[tode_st] Problem trying to run tests from test runner

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[tode_st] Problem trying to run tests from test runner

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi Dale, 

I am failing at trying to run a test (anyone) from the test runner. First error I get is this:

1. ArgumentError(AbstractException)>>_signalWith: @5 line 25
2. ArgumentError(AbstractException)>>signal @2 line 47
3. TestSuite(Object)>>_error:args: @15 line 11
4. TestSuite(Object)>>_validateClasses: @10 line 9
5. String>>, @30 line 55
6. [] in ExecBlock0(TDTestTool)>>testimage @4 line 10
7. TDTestBrowser>>testSuite @4 line 5
8. TDTestBrowser>>testSuiteBlock: @4 line 4
9. TDTestTool>>browseTestSuiteBlock:label: @4 line 4
10. [] in TDTestTool>>doTestForBlock:label: @2 line 5
11. Dictionary(AbstractDictionary)>>at:ifPresent:ifAbsent: @3 line 5
12. TDTestTool>>doTestForBlock:label: @3 line 3
13. TDTestTool>>testimage @3 line 7
14. TDTestTool class(TDAbstractDevTool class)>>performSubCommand:objIn:commandOptions:todeCommand: @23 line 22
15. [] in TDTestTool class>>test @2 line 5
16. TDTestTool class(ExecBlock)>>cull:cull:cull:cull: @7 line 4
17. TDTopezServer>>evaluateCommand:objIn: @18 line 22
18. TDTopezServer>>evaluateSTONCommand: @9 line 6
19. Executed Code
20. GsNMethod class>>_gsReturnToC @1 line 1

This is becuase:

  "test image"

  | label |
  label := 'Image Test Suite'.
  ^ self
    doTestForBlock: [ 
      | suite |
      suite := TestCase suite.
      suite name: label , suite ]
    label: label

'suite' is not a string.

I don't know if the code should be to replace #, with a dot (meaning to return the suite) or to do a " label , ' ' , suite name "

If I somehow fix above method, second error I get is:

1. MessageNotUnderstood>>defaultAction @2 line 3
2. MessageNotUnderstood(AbstractException)>>_signalWith: @5 line 25
3. MessageNotUnderstood(AbstractException)>>signal @2 line 47
4. TestSuite(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: @9 line 10
5. TestSuite(Object)>>_doesNotUnderstand:args:envId:reason: @7 line 12
6. TDTestBrowser>>itemSelected:listElement:selectedIndex:shiftPressed: @29 line 21
7. TDTestBrowser(TDAbstractToolBuilder)>>itemSelected:listElement:selectedIndex:shiftPressed:listSelectionsDictionary: @2 line 5
8. [] in TDTestBrowser(TDAbstractToolBuilder)>>itemSelectedBlock @2 line 4
9. TDMiniToolSpec>>itemSelected:listElement:at:shiftPressed: @4 line 4
10. TDMiniToolClientListElementBuilder>>itemSelected:at:shiftPressed: @5 line 4
11. [] in TDMiniToolClientListElementBuilder(TDClientListElementBuilder)>>itemSelectedBlock @4 line 4
12. TDMiniToolClientListElementBuilder(ExecBlock)>>cull:cull:cull:cull: @7 line 4
13. GsNMethod class>>_gsReturnToC @1 line 1

And this is in the lines:

testMethodClass := testCase class
            whichClassIncludesSelector: testCase selector asString. 

Of the method #itemSelected: miniTool listElement: listElement selectedIndex: selectionIndex shiftPressed: shiftPressed. 

'testCase' is the test class, say AnnouncerTest, so it DNU #selector. 

Can you reproduce the issues?

Thanks in advance, 


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Re: [tode_st] Problem trying to run tests from test runner

Dale Henrichs-3
I recently fixed a bug in `test image`[1] ... I suggest that you just pick up the patch, haven't tested the post v0.1.0 with anything but GsDevKit_home as there have been structural changes to the disk disk format ...


[1] https://github.com/dalehenrich/tode/commit/d0a62ee6355a20da9ee4c60e10682cd2718dbb38

On 10/14/2015 01:06 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
Hi Dale, 

I am failing at trying to run a test (anyone) from the test runner. First error I get is this:

1. ArgumentError(AbstractException)>>_signalWith: @5 line 25
2. ArgumentError(AbstractException)>>signal @2 line 47
3. TestSuite(Object)>>_error:args: @15 line 11
4. TestSuite(Object)>>_validateClasses: @10 line 9
5. String>>, @30 line 55
6. [] in ExecBlock0(TDTestTool)>>testimage @4 line 10
7. TDTestBrowser>>testSuite @4 line 5
8. TDTestBrowser>>testSuiteBlock: @4 line 4
9. TDTestTool>>browseTestSuiteBlock:label: @4 line 4
10. [] in TDTestTool>>doTestForBlock:label: @2 line 5
11. Dictionary(AbstractDictionary)>>at:ifPresent:ifAbsent: @3 line 5
12. TDTestTool>>doTestForBlock:label: @3 line 3
13. TDTestTool>>testimage @3 line 7
14. TDTestTool class(TDAbstractDevTool class)>>performSubCommand:objIn:commandOptions:todeCommand: @23 line 22
15. [] in TDTestTool class>>test @2 line 5
16. TDTestTool class(ExecBlock)>>cull:cull:cull:cull: @7 line 4
17. TDTopezServer>>evaluateCommand:objIn: @18 line 22
18. TDTopezServer>>evaluateSTONCommand: @9 line 6
19. Executed Code
20. GsNMethod class>>_gsReturnToC @1 line 1

This is becuase:

  "test image"

  | label |
  label := 'Image Test Suite'.
  ^ self
    doTestForBlock: [ 
      | suite |
      suite := TestCase suite.
      suite name: label , suite ]
    label: label

'suite' is not a string.

I don't know if the code should be to replace #, with a dot (meaning to return the suite) or to do a " label , ' ' , suite name "

If I somehow fix above method, second error I get is:

1. MessageNotUnderstood>>defaultAction @2 line 3
2. MessageNotUnderstood(AbstractException)>>_signalWith: @5 line 25
3. MessageNotUnderstood(AbstractException)>>signal @2 line 47
4. TestSuite(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: @9 line 10
5. TestSuite(Object)>>_doesNotUnderstand:args:envId:reason: @7 line 12
6. TDTestBrowser>>itemSelected:listElement:selectedIndex:shiftPressed: @29 line 21
7. TDTestBrowser(TDAbstractToolBuilder)>>itemSelected:listElement:selectedIndex:shiftPressed:listSelectionsDictionary: @2 line 5
8. [] in TDTestBrowser(TDAbstractToolBuilder)>>itemSelectedBlock @2 line 4
9. TDMiniToolSpec>>itemSelected:listElement:at:shiftPressed: @4 line 4
10. TDMiniToolClientListElementBuilder>>itemSelected:at:shiftPressed: @5 line 4
11. [] in TDMiniToolClientListElementBuilder(TDClientListElementBuilder)>>itemSelectedBlock @4 line 4
12. TDMiniToolClientListElementBuilder(ExecBlock)>>cull:cull:cull:cull: @7 line 4
13. GsNMethod class>>_gsReturnToC @1 line 1

And this is in the lines:

testMethodClass := testCase class
            whichClassIncludesSelector: testCase selector asString. 

Of the method #itemSelected: miniTool listElement: listElement selectedIndex: selectionIndex shiftPressed: shiftPressed. 

'testCase' is the test class, say AnnouncerTest, so it DNU #selector. 

Can you reproduce the issues?

Thanks in advance, 

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Re: [tode_st] Problem trying to run tests from test runner

Mariano Martinez Peck
OK, I can confirm this fixes the problem.


On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 5:24 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
I recently fixed a bug in `test image`[1] ... I suggest that you just pick up the patch, haven't tested the post v0.1.0 with anything but GsDevKit_home as there have been structural changes to the disk disk format ...


[1] https://github.com/dalehenrich/tode/commit/d0a62ee6355a20da9ee4c60e10682cd2718dbb38

On 10/14/2015 01:06 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
Hi Dale, 

I am failing at trying to run a test (anyone) from the test runner. First error I get is this:

1. ArgumentError(AbstractException)>>_signalWith: @5 line 25
2. ArgumentError(AbstractException)>>signal @2 line 47
3. TestSuite(Object)>>_error:args: @15 line 11
4. TestSuite(Object)>>_validateClasses: @10 line 9
5. String>>, @30 line 55
6. [] in ExecBlock0(TDTestTool)>>testimage @4 line 10
7. TDTestBrowser>>testSuite @4 line 5
8. TDTestBrowser>>testSuiteBlock: @4 line 4
9. TDTestTool>>browseTestSuiteBlock:label: @4 line 4
10. [] in TDTestTool>>doTestForBlock:label: @2 line 5
11. Dictionary(AbstractDictionary)>>at:ifPresent:ifAbsent: @3 line 5
12. TDTestTool>>doTestForBlock:label: @3 line 3
13. TDTestTool>>testimage @3 line 7
14. TDTestTool class(TDAbstractDevTool class)>>performSubCommand:objIn:commandOptions:todeCommand: @23 line 22
15. [] in TDTestTool class>>test @2 line 5
16. TDTestTool class(ExecBlock)>>cull:cull:cull:cull: @7 line 4
17. TDTopezServer>>evaluateCommand:objIn: @18 line 22
18. TDTopezServer>>evaluateSTONCommand: @9 line 6
19. Executed Code
20. GsNMethod class>>_gsReturnToC @1 line 1

This is becuase:

  "test image"

  | label |
  label := 'Image Test Suite'.
  ^ self
    doTestForBlock: [ 
      | suite |
      suite := TestCase suite.
      suite name: label , suite ]
    label: label

'suite' is not a string.

I don't know if the code should be to replace #, with a dot (meaning to return the suite) or to do a " label , ' ' , suite name "

If I somehow fix above method, second error I get is:

1. MessageNotUnderstood>>defaultAction @2 line 3
2. MessageNotUnderstood(AbstractException)>>_signalWith: @5 line 25
3. MessageNotUnderstood(AbstractException)>>signal @2 line 47
4. TestSuite(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: @9 line 10
5. TestSuite(Object)>>_doesNotUnderstand:args:envId:reason: @7 line 12
6. TDTestBrowser>>itemSelected:listElement:selectedIndex:shiftPressed: @29 line 21
7. TDTestBrowser(TDAbstractToolBuilder)>>itemSelected:listElement:selectedIndex:shiftPressed:listSelectionsDictionary: @2 line 5
8. [] in TDTestBrowser(TDAbstractToolBuilder)>>itemSelectedBlock @2 line 4
9. TDMiniToolSpec>>itemSelected:listElement:at:shiftPressed: @4 line 4
10. TDMiniToolClientListElementBuilder>>itemSelected:at:shiftPressed: @5 line 4
11. [] in TDMiniToolClientListElementBuilder(TDClientListElementBuilder)>>itemSelectedBlock @4 line 4
12. TDMiniToolClientListElementBuilder(ExecBlock)>>cull:cull:cull:cull: @7 line 4
13. GsNMethod class>>_gsReturnToC @1 line 1

And this is in the lines:

testMethodClass := testCase class
            whichClassIncludesSelector: testCase selector asString. 

Of the method #itemSelected: miniTool listElement: listElement selectedIndex: selectionIndex shiftPressed: shiftPressed. 

'testCase' is the test class, say AnnouncerTest, so it DNU #selector. 

Can you reproduce the issues?

Thanks in advance, 

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