Branch: refs/heads/dev
Home: Commit: 916d495eb585570888d45d9fd18c441557f07b5a Author: Dale Henrichs <
[hidden email]>
Date: 2016-08-09 (Tue, 09 Aug 2016)
Changed paths:
M repository/Tode-Minimal-Client-Core.package/TDMinimalClient.class/instance/
A repository/Tode-Minimal-Client-Core.package/TDMinimalClient.class/instance/
M repository/Tode-Minimal-Client-Core.package/TDMinimalClient.class/methodProperties.json
M repository/Tode-Minimal-Client-Core.package/monticello.meta/version
Log Message:
adding variableBindings arg to the standard onServerDo: block, so that additional bindings can be passed as excess arguments
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