[tode_st] how do I rename a package including its extensions?

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[tode_st] how do I rename a package including its extensions?

Paul DeBruicker
Hi Dale,

Is there a way in tODE to rename a package and all of its extensions in one go?  

I can see how to rename the classes and move them to other packages but don't really want to chase down all the extensions if I don't have to.  

Is there a way to do that in GS 3.5.1?



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Re: [tode_st] how do I rename a package including its extensions?

Dale Henrichs-3

I haven't implemented a rename package in tODE, so it is still a manual
operation ... sorry about that :)


On 5/25/20 7:34 AM, PAUL DEBRUICKER wrote:

> Hi Dale,
> Is there a way in tODE to rename a package and all of its extensions in one go?
> I can see how to rename the classes and move them to other packages but don't really want to chase down all the extensions if I don't have to.
> Is there a way to do that in GS 3.5.1?
> Thanks
> Paul

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