[tode_st] tODE bugfix release

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[tode_st] tODE bugfix release

Dale Henrichs-3

For additional details see the pull request[1].


  1. Issue #274: LookupError inspecting dictionaries


  1. pf command enhancements
    • improve Smalltalk API for pf start and pf view
    • extend pf view menu to allow sorting by class and method name
  2. add cpu command for measuring elapsed cpu time for tODE shell commands
  3. fix bug in project clone --etc command
  4. clean up handling of obsolete classes -- a bit
  5. Minimal Tode Client server block implementation
  6. Fix up session description import error handling
  7. Better error stack for client-side errors during SmalltalkCI runs
  8. improve window label for man pages

Update script for clients:

  updateGsDevKit -tc

Update script for server:

  updateGsDevKit -td

Update script for client/server:

  updateGsDevKit -ti


[1] https://github.com/dalehenrich/tode/pull/278

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