Dale, I did: cd /sys/local/home/ touch st testingScript And I get this DNU. It seems only NeoJSONWriter implements #writeFloat .. not STONWriter... BTW what it seems to be serializing is the float of the 'creationTime' of the TDSmalltalkLeafNode. Thanks aTDDebugger -------------------- 1. MessageNotUnderstood>>defaultAction @3 line 3 2. MessageNotUnderstood(AbstractException)>>_signalWith: @5 line 25 3. MessageNotUnderstood(AbstractException)>>signal @2 line 47 4. STON091Writer(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: @9 line 10 5. STON091Writer(Object)>>_doesNotUnderstand:args:envId:reason: @7 line 12 6. SmallDouble(Number)>>stonOn: @3 line 2 7. STON091Writer(STONWriter)>>nextPut: @2 line 2 8. STON091Writer(STONWriter)>>encodeKey:value: @6 line 6 9. STONMapWriter>>at:put: @5 line 3 10. [] in STON091Writer(STONWriter)>>writeObject: @5 line 11 11. Array(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10 12. [] in STON091Writer(STONWriter)>>writeObject: @2 line 8 13. [] in STON091Writer(STONWriter)>>writeObject:streamMap: @3 line 7 14. STON091Writer(STONWriter)>>indentedDo: @4 line 3 15. [] in STON091Writer(STONWriter)>>writeObject:streamMap: @5 line 5 16. [] in STON091Writer(STONWriter)>>writeObject:do: @6 line 7 17. STON091Writer(STONWriter)>>with:do: @19 line 13 18. STON091Writer(STONWriter)>>writeObject:do: @12 line 4 19. STON091Writer(STONWriter)>>writeObject:streamMap: @2 line 2 20. STON091Writer(STONWriter)>>writeObject: @8 line 7 21. DateAndTime(Object)>>stonOn: @6 line 9 22. STON091Writer(STONWriter)>>nextPut: @2 line 2 23. STON091Writer(STONWriter)>>encodeKey:value: @6 line 6 24. STONMapWriter>>at:put: @5 line 3 25. [] in TDSmalltalkLeafNode(TDLeafNode)>>stonOn: @4 line 6 26. Array(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10 27. [] in TDSmalltalkLeafNode(TDLeafNode)>>stonOn: @2 line 6 28. [] in STON091Writer(STONWriter)>>writeObject:streamMap: @3 line 7 29. STON091Writer(STONWriter)>>indentedDo: @4 line 3 30. [] in STON091Writer(STONWriter)>>writeObject:streamMap: @5 line 5 31. [] in STON091Writer(STONWriter)>>writeObject:do: @6 line 7 32. STON091Writer(STONWriter)>>with:do: @19 line 13 33. STON091Writer(STONWriter)>>writeObject:do: @12 line 4 34. STON091Writer(STONWriter)>>writeObject:streamMap: @2 line 2 35. TDSmalltalkLeafNode(TDLeafNode)>>stonOn: @2 line 3 36. STON091Writer(STONWriter)>>nextPut: @2 line 2 37. [] in TodeSTON091Serializer(TodeObjectSerializer)>>toString: @4 line 6 38. String class(SequenceableCollection class)>>new:streamContents: @5 line 5 39. String class(SequenceableCollection class)>>streamContents: @2 line 3 40. TodeSTON091Serializer(TodeObjectSerializer)>>toString: @2 line 3 41. TodeSTON091Serializer>>toString: @2 line 2 42. [] in TDFileSystemDirectoryNode>>addChildLeafNode: @3 line 6 43. [] in ExecBlock0(STONWriter class)>>plainTextNewlinesDuring: @9 line 15 44. ExecBlock0(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12 45. STONWriter class>>plainTextNewlinesDuring: @16 line 16 46. [] in TDFileSystemDirectoryNode>>addChildLeafNode: @2 line 6 47. [] in ExecBlock0(FileDirectory)>>forceNewFileNamed:do: @2 line 4 48. ExecBlock0(ExecBlock)>>ensure: @2 line 12 49. ServerFileDirectory(FileDirectory)>>forceNewFileNamed:do: @4 line 4 50. TDFileSystemDirectoryNode>>addChildLeafNode: @6 line 3 51. TDSmalltalkLeafNode(TDLeafNode)>>addAsChildOfFileSystemDirectoryNode: @2 line 2 52. TDFileSystemDirectoryNode>>addChildNode: @2 line 2 53. TDFileSystemDirectoryNode(TDNode)>>touch:node:in: @15 line 10 54. TDFileSystemDirectoryNode(TDNode)>>touch:nodeClass:in: @9 line 6 55. TDSmalltalkLeafNode class(TDNode class)>>touch:destinationPath:topez: @4 line 3 56. TDShellTool>>touch @8 line 6 57. [] in TDShellTool class>>touch @3 line 3 58. TDShellTool class(ExecBlock)>>cull:cull:cull:cull: @7 line 4 59. TDTopezServer>>evaluateCommand:objIn: @18 line 22 60. TDTopezServer>>evaluateSTONCommand: @9 line 6 61. Executed Code 62. UndefinedObject(GsNMethod class)>>_gsReturnToC @1 line 1 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "tODE" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [hidden email]. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout. |
What was the MNU? #writeFloat:? I've got
STONWriter>>writeFloat: in my stone and I don't see
this problem ...
Here's my project list (versions of projects) ... where I've got `Ston 25aace1 [v0.9.4] github://GsDevKit/ston:v0.9.?/repository` loaded. What's yours?: |GLASS1| 5250f36 ^ 4bc7295 [dev] filetree:///opt/git/glass/repository + IndexTutorial filetree://$GS_HOME/tutorials/indexing/repository |Grease| 477d71c [master] github://GsDevKit/Grease:master/repository |GsApplicationTools| filetree:///opt/git/gsApplicationTools/repository |Tode| a73efb4 ^ 0bb48bf [dev_dev] filetree:///opt/git/tode/repository |Seaside3| filetree://$GS_HOME/gemstone/stones/gs_3106/git/Seaside31/repository |ServiceVM| filetree:///opt/git/ServiceVM/repository |FileTree| 7083b98 [gemstone2.4] filetree:///opt/git/filetree/repository GLASS 0.231 [beta] /export/jupiter3/users/buildgss/gs64/3105x/build33242/fast50/gs/product/seaside/monticello/repository Gofer [release] http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/ss/metacello GoferProjectLoader 1.0-alpha2.2 [development] http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/ss/MetacelloRepository GsCore 0.247 [release] http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/ss/MetacelloRepository GsMisc 0.243 [release] http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/MetacelloRepository GsMonticello 0.244.2 [release] http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/ss/MetacelloRepository GsOB 0.242.1 [release] http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/ss/MetacelloRepository GsSqueakCommon 0.9.4 [release] /export/jupiter3/users/buildgss/gs64/3105x/build33242/fast50/gs/product/seaside/monticello/repository |Metacello| 61e71b2 ^ 82f7a28 [dev] filetree:///opt/git/metacello-work/repository MetacelloPreview 1.0.0-beta.32.1 [release] http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/ss/MetacelloRepository RB 52551c1 [dev] github://dalehenrich/rb:dev/repository Ston 25aace1 [v0.9.4] github://GsDevKit/ston:v0.9.?/repository |Cryptography| filetree:///opt/git/Cryptography/repository |GsUpgrader| filetree:///opt/git/gsUpgrader/repository PharoCompatibility github://glassdb/PharoCompatibility:master/repository |SIXX| filetree:///opt/git/SIXX/repository |XMLSupport| http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/ss/MetacelloRepository |ZincHTTPComponents| filetree:///opt/git/zinc/repository On 09/15/2015 12:35 PM, Mariano
Martinez Peck wrote:
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You can get the printString of the error message by doing a ALT-p in
the frame inspector for frame 1, 2, or 3...
On 09/15/2015 02:42 PM, Dale Henrichs
What was the MNU? #writeFloat:? I've got STONWriter>>writeFloat: in my stone and I don't see this problem ... -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "tODE" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [hidden email]. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout. |
Puff weird..... I have the same version, but... it seems I have changes in my image!!! and indeed. #writeFloat: seems as a removed method. So it looks like if I would have loaded a different version of Ston myself. But then we should see a different version in "projects list". But....it seems your repository is "github://GsDevKit/ston:v0.9.?/repository" and this is the same I get in 'projects list'. However, this is how I load Ston as part of my ConfigurationOfMyApp in GemStone: spec baseline: 'Ston' with: [ spec loads: #('default'); repository: 'github://GsDevKit/ston:gemstone/repository' ]. And I attach an screenshot with the changes I said. Note also that I did NOT re-load my app in this stone after loading tODE, yet I did load tODE after my app. Should I be using another repo for Ston? Thanks! On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 6:44 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
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On 09/15/2015 02:55 PM, Mariano
Martinez Peck wrote:
ALT-SHIFT-P is my preference for seeing window contents - for example in your screen shot the repository url is clipped ... this time I don't think I need it, but if I did, I'd probably want to copy it and I can't do that with a png either? From the looks of the `project list` that I can see there are a lot of dirty projects there and Metacello does not override dirty packages by default so that is likely to be the cause of the STON problem and possibly others that we are yet to encounter ... The next thing that we can do to figure things out is to list the packages in the Ston project (Browse>>packages) (ALT-SHIFT-P :) ... Here's the list of packages that I've got loaded: BaselineOfSton (BaselineOfSton-dkh.5) STON-Core (STON-Core-dkh.57) STON-GemStone-Core (STON-GemStone-Core-dkh.3) STON-UTF8-Core (STON-UTF8-Core-dkh.4) Since STONWriter>>writeFloat: is in the Stone-GemStone-Core package that's the one I'll guess is dirty ... It just so happens that I have both the new and old versions of Ston installed for tODE, because I need to be able to communicate to new stones using an old client ... take a look at the TodeObjectSerializer ... the class TodeSTON051ObjectSerializer is probably the equivalent of the version 'github://GsDevKit/ston:gemstone/repository'. There are different tags along the way where I have merged in the the later version of Ston from Sven ... Dale -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "tODE" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [hidden email]. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout. |
On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 7:36 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
OK, CMD-SHIFT-P did it here in my OSX.
mmmm is there a way I could run the #ensureMetacello, #ensureGrease, #ensureGlass and then reload tODE in a kind of "override" dirty packages way?
exactly, only that one, and we have all same versions: -------------------- BaselineOfSton (BaselineOfSton-dkh.5) STON-Core (STON-Core-dkh.57) * STON-GemStone-Core (STON-GemStone-Core-dkh.3) STON-UTF8-Core (STON-UTF8-Core-dkh.4) So...who the hell has overriden that??? hahahaha I could force the re-load of Ston, but I would prefer to reload everything GLASS, GLASS1, tODE to be sure I am super fine. BTW...this only happens for my LOCAL (crappy) extent. For the production stones I just checked and they are right, they do not have the dirty packages I have here. Still, I would like to fix my stone. Thanks in advance.
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On 09/15/2015 04:11 PM, Mariano
Martinez Peck wrote:
Yes ... I guess I need to get in the habit of saying CMD/ALT-SHIFT-P :) The `revert` menu item in the `project list` will reload the version that is registered and will override all dirty packages ah ... what else is missing from STON-GemStone-Core ... it's definitely odd ... I guess all of this is recorded in the object log, so if you wanted to you can bring up an `ol view --age=`1 day`` and the ship me the contents of the window (ALT/CMD-SHIFT-P) and I could sift through the output to see if anything looks suspicious ... You could try the `revert` menu item for each of the projects ... I think that `revert` will only override the dirty packages that are in the selected project so you could work your way through the dirty projects `reverting` until they are all clean ... Try reverting and keep an eye on already reverted projects in case they go dirty again .. they shouldn't but I'd like to catch some of these bad boys in action ... If you do `mc dirty` you'll get a list of just the dirty packages in the system ... send me a copy (and keep one) and when you're done reverting look at the remaining dirty packages if any ... that might give us enough clues ... Dale -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "tODE" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [hidden email]. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout. |
Thanks Dale for all your help. I was able to revert Ston and then I was able to touch and edit smalltalk scripts super cool :) cd /sys/local/home touch st updateMyApp edit updateMyApp And that's all :) BTW is there way to EXECUTE a smalltalk script from tODE bash rather than having to cat/edit/ws and then do a 'do-it' with it? I did not find that in "man --all" neither in builtIns Thanks! On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 8:34 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
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On 9/15/15 7:07 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote: > Thanks Dale for all your help. I was able to revert Ston and then I > was able to touch and edit smalltalk scripts super cool :) > > cd /sys/local/home > touch st updateMyApp > edit updateMyApp > > > And that's all :) > > BTW is there way to EXECUTE a smalltalk script from tODE bash rather > than having to cat/edit/ws and then do a 'do-it' with it? > I did not find that in "man --all" neither in builtIns > /home/updateMyApp or cd /home ./updateMyApp In general if a node has a `*` or `@` after it in an `ls` command then it can be executed directly Dale -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "tODE" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [hidden email]. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout. |
On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 12:51 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
Super cool :) BTW, is it expected that if running a file created with type "st" the Transcript show: goes into the shell rather than to the Transcript?
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Yes this is a "feature" ... to make it behave somewhat more like a
bash shell command ... personally I like the feature, but would be
interested in your take on this....
Dale On 09/17/2015 10:16 AM, Mariano
Martinez Peck wrote:
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On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 3:19 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
Yes, I thought that was the reason!!!
I think it is fine. Just wanted to check with you. Ok, let's move on.
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what would be super nice in the future, but too complex to do I imagine is doing stuff like this: ./smalltalkScript (this will print to shell) ./smalltalkScript > /dev/objectLog ./smalltalkScript > /dev/transcript ./smalltalkScript > /dev/tODEShell etc... On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 3:34 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:
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I've submitted a feature request[1] with a response ... you can comment
on my response on the issue... Dale [1] https://github.com/dalehenrich/tode/issues/207 On 09/17/2015 11:35 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote: > what would be super nice in the future, but too complex to do I > imagine is doing stuff like this: > > ./smalltalkScript (this will print to shell) > > ./smalltalkScript > /dev/objectLog > > ./smalltalkScript > /dev/transcript > > ./smalltalkScript > /dev/tODEShell -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "tODE" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [hidden email]. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout. |
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