tools for performance tuning?

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tools for performance tuning?

Ted Shen
I'd like to do some performance tuning in my program and wonder if there are
any tools that could help.  I'm using Dolphin 3.06.  Something along the
lines of which methods are taking the longest to run.  I'd appreciate any


Ted Shen

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Re: tools for performance tuning?

Bill Schwab-2

> I'd like to do some performance tuning in my program and wonder if there
> any tools that could help.  I'm using Dolphin 3.06.  Something along the
> lines of which methods are taking the longest to run.  I'd appreciate any
> pointers.

Have a look at:

Happy profiling!


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: tools for performance tuning?

Cal Williams
In reply to this post by Ted Shen
"Ted Shen" <[hidden email]> wrote in message news:<_45P7.60$[hidden email]>...
> I'd like to do some performance tuning in my program and wonder if there are
> any tools that could help.  I'm using Dolphin 3.06.  Something along the
> lines of which methods are taking the longest to run.  I'd appreciate any
> pointers.
> Thanks.
> Ted Shen


Ian Bartholomew's web site ( still has a 3.0
version of his goodies for Dolphin, which contains a profiler.  I have
used it, and it works just fine.


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Re: tools for performance tuning?

Ted Shen
In reply to this post by Ted Shen
Many thanks, Bill and Cal, for pointing out Ian's goodies. And especially
many thanks to Ian for creating the profiler. It worked well and allowed me
to make a 10-fold reduction in execution time with just a half hour of code
modification. Great stuff!

Ted Shen