twilllio quest

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twilllio quest

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list

I wonder if I can solve the TwillioQuest with Pharo.

I then have to write code to send SMS and return a respons a a SMS.
is this possible in Pharo and can I use for example teapot for it ?

and if it possible does anyone have a example of how to send a SMS with



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Re: twilllio quest

Paul DeBruicker
There is a twilio library for pharo here:

Maybe you could learn what you need to do from it?

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list wrote

> Hello,
> I wonder if I can solve the TwillioQuest with Pharo.
> I then have to write code to send SMS and return a respons a a SMS.
> is this possible in Pharo and can I use for example teapot for it ?
> and if it possible does anyone have a example of how to send a SMS with
> Twillio.
> Regards,
> Roelof

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