[update 1.1] #11284

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[update 1.1] #11284

Marcus Denker-4

Hashed collection performance improvement, phase 4 of 4.

Changes identityHash to cover most of the positive SmallInteger range, and uses good prime table sizes. This makes large hashed collections much faster, and does not penalize the small ones.

Targeted at Pharo Core 1.1-11280

Load the slice for each phase in order. Allow maybe half an hour to load all four phases; the intermediate phases load very slowly due to existing hashed collections running in "slow but safe" mode while their hash function changes under them.

In phase 4:

* All of the scanFor: methods modified in phase 1 are loaded into their final form (sometimes a revert to original) which does not scan the entire table before giving up.

* The rehashing class and temporary methods are removed, having done their job at the end of phase 3.

Marcus Denker  -- http://www.marcusdenker.de
INRIA Lille -- Nord Europe. Team RMoD.

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