[update 1.2] #12077

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[update 1.2] #12077

Stéphane Ducasse


- Issue 2347:  fixing Problem with previous release vmVersion was missing.
- Issue 2745: Text>>fromString; , does not add by default a (TextColor color: Color black ) attribute. Thanks Fernando Olivero.

- Issue 2662: value: primitives. Thanks Eliot Miranda, Henrik Johanssen.

- Issue 2603: isRunningCog. Thanks Andreas Raab, German Arduino.
- Issue 2609: getSystemAttribute: 2 -> documentPath. Thanks German Arduino.
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Re: [update 1.2] #12077

After 12076 and 12077 I started having problems as the screenshot....

This time, running on windoze with pharo vm Pharo4.0.2 from April 12 2010.

Error: 'stack pointer should be zero!'

It appear in different parts.......for example after runn all tests
and trying to check the failings or so.

2010/8/3 Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]>:

> 12077
> -----
> - Issue 2347:  fixing Problem with previous release vmVersion was missing.
> - Issue 2745: Text>>fromString; , does not add by default a (TextColor color: Color black ) attribute. Thanks Fernando Olivero.
> - Issue 2662:   value: primitives. Thanks Eliot Miranda, Henrik Johanssen.
> - Issue 2603:   isRunningCog. Thanks Andreas Raab, German Arduino.
> - Issue 2609:   getSystemAttribute: 2 -> documentPath. Thanks German Arduino.
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Germán S. Arduino  <gsa @ arsol.net>   Twitter: garduino
Arduino Software & Web Hosting   http://www.arduinosoftware.com
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Re: [update 1.2] #12077

Stéphane Ducasse
yes an vmVersion: on OSPlatform was missing.


On Aug 3, 2010, at 6:17 PM, Germán Arduino wrote:

> After 12076 and 12077 I started having problems as the screenshot....
> This time, running on windoze with pharo vm Pharo4.0.2 from April 12 2010.
> Error: 'stack pointer should be zero!'
> It appear in different parts.......for example after runn all tests
> and trying to check the failings or so.
> 2010/8/3 Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]>:
>> 12077
>> -----
>> - Issue 2347:  fixing Problem with previous release vmVersion was missing.
>> - Issue 2745: Text>>fromString; , does not add by default a (TextColor color: Color black ) attribute. Thanks Fernando Olivero.
>> - Issue 2662:   value: primitives. Thanks Eliot Miranda, Henrik Johanssen.
>> - Issue 2603:   isRunningCog. Thanks Andreas Raab, German Arduino.
>> - Issue 2609:   getSystemAttribute: 2 -> documentPath. Thanks German Arduino.
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>> http://lists.gforge.inria.fr/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/pharo-project
> --
> =================================================
> Germán S. Arduino  <gsa @ arsol.net>   Twitter: garduino
> Arduino Software & Web Hosting   http://www.arduinosoftware.com
> PasswordsPro  http://www.passwordspro.com
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