The current system of getting and setting environment variables is
pretty multiplatform-wise.
However, it is strongly bound with the Cincom registry values on Windows.
Win95SystemSupport class>>currentVersion: arrayOfStrings
"Set CurrentVersion to be the path to use in the Windows Registry.
For example:
Win95SystemSuport currentVersion: #('SOFTWARE' 'Cincom Systems,
Inc.' 'VisualWorks' '5i.5')
The receiver also tries to ensure that the arrayOfStrings contains
some well-known elements
to prevent a client from causing trouble."
CurrentVersion := arrayOfStrings
Now when an environment variable wants to set itself, it is kept in
the Windows registry under this key.
However, I would like to store my applications environment variables
in another location under Windows, and still want to use the current
multiplatform-wise implementation. How do others do this?
For example, keeping the current strategy means I store and look up
env vars under the Cincom keys, of which one is a bit difficult,
namely the last key, the version number. Certainly my apps version
numbers do not correspond to those of Cincom!
I am thinking of using a completely different version number string
and change this in the deployment image in the class
Win95SystemSupport. Is a hack though, I would like a better solution.
Tell me about your strategies.