uses or instead of a searching literal

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uses or instead of a searching literal

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list

How can I get rid of the above error message with this code :

abbreviatePhrase: aString
    | splitted |
    splitted := aString
        splitOn: [ :char | char = Character space or: [ char = $- or: [ char = $_ ] ] ].
    ^ String
        streamContents: [ :stream | 
                reject: [ :word | word isEmpty ]
                thenDo: [ :word | stream nextPut: word first uppercase ] ]



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Re: uses or instead of a searching literal

Since you're splitting a String, why not use a Regex to do this?

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Re: uses or instead of a searching literal

Richard O'Keefe
In reply to this post by Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
You know, this is an area where style opinions differ a lot.
What the message is suggesting you try is
aString splitOn: [:each | ' -_' includes: each]

That's all.  No need for anything more complicated.

But there is a trade-off.  Clarity vs efficiency.  You should make your
code clear and correct before you worry about efficiency, true.  But
you should not go out of your way to make it *less* efficient.
The test you have is perfectly readable and is as fast as it gets.
Using #includes: would make the code shorter, but not clearer, and
certainly slower.

You could also use
aString splitOn: '[-_ ]' asRegex
because #splitOn: is documented as treating strings as regular
expressions.  This is the briefest, the most confusing to read, and
the slowest.  It is also by far the most error-prone:
- forget "asRegex" and you are in trouble
- forget the square brackets and you are in trouble
- put the hyphen-minus second instead of first and ...

If only #split:indicesDo: were defined for Set.  I cannot imagine
why it is not.  Here is a method definition that goes in the (new)
'splitting' category of Set:

split: aSequenceableCollection indicesDo: aBlock
    "Perform an action specified as aBlock (with a start and end
argument) to each of the indices of aSequenceableCollection that have
been identified by taking the receiver as a splitter."
    | position |

    position := 1.
    aSequenceableCollection withIndexDo: [:element :idx |
        (self includes: element)
            ifTrue: [
                aBlock value: position value: idx - 1.
                position := idx + 1 ]].

    aBlock value: position value: aSequenceableCollection size

With that in place you can use
  aString splitOn: ' -_' asSet

On Sat, 28 Dec 2019 at 10:24, Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello,
> How can I get rid of the above error message with this code :
> abbreviatePhrase: aString
>     | splitted |
>     splitted := aString
>         splitOn: [ :char | char = Character space or: [ char = $- or: [ char = $_ ] ] ].
>     ^ String
>         streamContents: [ :stream |
>             splitted
>                 reject: [ :word | word isEmpty ]
>                 thenDo: [ :word | stream nextPut: word first uppercase ] ]
> Regards,
> Roelof

Splitting-with-a-set.cs (1K) Download Attachment
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Re: uses or instead of a searching literal

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
Op 27-12-2019 om 23:33 schreef Richard O'Keefe:
>   aString splitOn: ' -_' asSet

Hello Richard,

Thanks again , I find this  "aString splitOn: '_- `  asSet "   much
cleaner but on some way I does not  split for example  'Portable Network
Graphics' into  " #(Portable, Network, Graphics) ".  When I debug  it ,
it seems there is no splitting at all.

So today time to dive into it why it does not work and how to solve it.


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Re: uses or instead of a searching literal

Kasper Osterbye
Are you aware of the ‘finder’ tool?, in particular the ‘examples' mode is useful.

try: ‘aaa_bbb-ccc’. ‘_-‘. #(‘aaa’ ‘bbb’ ‘ccc’) 



On 28 December 2019 at 08.12.03, Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users ([hidden email]) wrote:

Op 27-12-2019 om 23:33 schreef Richard O'Keefe:
> aString splitOn: ' -_' asSet

Hello Richard,

Thanks again , I find this  "aString splitOn: '_- `  asSet "   much
cleaner but on some way I does not  split for example  'Portable Network
Graphics' into  " #(Portable, Network, Graphics) ".  When I debug  it ,
it seems there is no splitting at all.

So today time to dive into it why it does not work and how to solve it.


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Re: uses or instead of a searching literal

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
yep. Im aware of this tool but on this case nothing pops up.


Op 28-12-2019 om 09:22 schreef Kasper Østerbye:
Are you aware of the ‘finder’ tool?, in particular the ‘examples' mode is useful.

try: ‘aaa_bbb-ccc’. ‘_-‘. #(‘aaa’ ‘bbb’ ‘ccc’) 



On 28 December 2019 at 08.12.03, Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users ([hidden email]) wrote:

Op 27-12-2019 om 23:33 schreef Richard O'Keefe:
> aString splitOn: ' -_' asSet

Hello Richard,

Thanks again , I find this  "aString splitOn: '_- `  asSet "   much
cleaner but on some way I does not  split for example  'Portable Network
Graphics' into  " #(Portable, Network, Graphics) ".  When I debug  it ,
it seems there is no splitting at all.

So today time to dive into it why it does not work and how to solve it.


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Re: uses or instead of a searching literal

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
I would go for

  'Portable Network Graphics' findTokens: ' -_'.

> On 28 Dec 2019, at 09:35, Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users <[hidden email]> wrote:
> From: Roelof Wobben <[hidden email]>
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] uses or instead of a searching literal
> Date: 28 December 2019 at 09:35:17 GMT+1
> To: [hidden email]
> yep. Im aware of this tool but on this case nothing pops up.
> Roelof
> Op 28-12-2019 om 09:22 schreef Kasper Østerbye:
>> Are you aware of the ‘finder’ tool?, in particular the ‘examples' mode is useful.
>> try: ‘aaa_bbb-ccc’. ‘_-‘. #(‘aaa’ ‘bbb’ ‘ccc’)
>> Best,
>> Kasper
>> On 28 December 2019 at 08.12.03, Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users ([hidden email]) wrote:
>>> Op 27-12-2019 om 23:33 schreef Richard O'Keefe:
>>> > aString splitOn: ' -_' asSet
>>> Hello Richard,
>>> Thanks again , I find this  "aString splitOn: '_- `  asSet "   much
>>> cleaner but on some way I does not  split for example  'Portable Network
>>> Graphics' into  " #(Portable, Network, Graphics) ".  When I debug  it ,
>>> it seems there is no splitting at all.
>>> So today time to dive into it why it does not work and how to solve it.
>>> Roelof

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Re: uses or instead of a searching literal

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
Hello  Sven,

Thanks. this is what im looking for.


Op 28-12-2019 om 10:46 schreef Sven Van Caekenberghe:

> I would go for
>    'Portable Network Graphics' findTokens: ' -_'.
>> On 28 Dec 2019, at 09:35, Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> From: Roelof Wobben <[hidden email]>
>> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] uses or instead of a searching literal
>> Date: 28 December 2019 at 09:35:17 GMT+1
>> To: [hidden email]
>> yep. Im aware of this tool but on this case nothing pops up.
>> Roelof
>> Op 28-12-2019 om 09:22 schreef Kasper Østerbye:
>>> Are you aware of the ‘finder’ tool?, in particular the ‘examples' mode is useful.
>>> try: ‘aaa_bbb-ccc’. ‘_-‘. #(‘aaa’ ‘bbb’ ‘ccc’)
>>> Best,
>>> Kasper
>>> On 28 December 2019 at 08.12.03, Roelof Wobben via Pharo-users ([hidden email]) wrote:
>>>> Op 27-12-2019 om 23:33 schreef Richard O'Keefe:
>>>>> aString splitOn: ' -_' asSet
>>>> Hello Richard,
>>>> Thanks again , I find this  "aString splitOn: '_- `  asSet "   much
>>>> cleaner but on some way I does not  split for example  'Portable Network
>>>> Graphics' into  " #(Portable, Network, Graphics) ".  When I debug  it ,
>>>> it seems there is no splitting at all.
>>>> So today time to dive into it why it does not work and how to solve it.
>>>> Roelof