using Interbase

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using Interbase

sanjay minni-4
Has anybody tried to use Interbase 6.0 with Dolphin 4.0
How is the connectivity established

  Sanjay Minni                               [hidden email]
  Minisoft Private Limited, India
  Industry specific business information softwares & ERP solutions

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Re: using Interbase

In article <93bmj5$aoq$[hidden email]>,
  "Sanjay Minni" <[hidden email]>
> Has anybody tried to use Interbase 6.0 with
Dolphin 4.0
> How is the connectivity established
> Regards
> ---
>   Sanjay Minni
Yes, I am doing it, via odbc. Unfortunately, the
odbc driver doesn't seem to be included with
interbase client anymore, I got it from a old
version of Borland C++. Having installed that,
this it is very simple,
c := (DBConnection new)
    dsn: 'myInterDB'; "whatever you called the
    uid: 'sysdba';
    pwd: 'masterkey';
"then tables read by"

c tables.
"columns by"
c columns: 'MY_TABLE'.
"selects by"
rs := c query: 'SELECT * FROM T_CITIES'. "etc"

I use parameterized lists for the actual code. I
use this script to generate the statement for me
tableName := 'MY_TABLENAME'.
c := (DBConnection new)
    dsn: 'myDSN';
    uid: 'sysdba';
    pwd: 'masterkey';
t := 'INSERT INTO ', tableName, ' ('.
cols := (c columns: tableName) collect: [:col |
col name].
t := t, cols first.
cols from: 2 do: [:name | t := t, ', ', name].
t := t, ') VALUES (?'.
cols size -1 timesRepeat: [t := t, ', ?'].
t := t, ')'.
c close.
win := TextPresenter show: 'Multiline text'.
win model: t.

However, you probably know all that, and just
need an odbc connection. If you have problems
email me at
[hidden email]
(remove all the numbers from that, it is to stop

Regards, Alun ap Rhisiart

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