using knockout.js from amber

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using knockout.js from amber

I am looking for amber solution for subscribing to observables - see

Attached please find three files:
1. Html file is a plain Javascript implementation.
Please note the functionality related to the first column of checkboxes.
It hides/disables the second column checkboxes if turned off.
Else shows/enables and sets by default the check box to true.
(I am interested in solving this with amber.)
2. - Knockout wrapper - follows the pattern kindly suggested by Norbert.
3. - amber implementation of calling Knockout
     UserFacilities open "should do the trick"

<div class="container"><div id="dyn_content"> </div></div>
Thanks in advance.
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Re: using knockout.js from amber

After little bit of digging in, the code is quite simple.

I was looking for this statement:
   < return property['subscribe'].call(property, block); >.

where the block is the subscription callback for the specified property.

Object subclass: #Facility
        instanceVariableNames: 'model id name selected enabled selectedSubscription'
        package: 'ProofOfConcept'!

!Facility methodsFor: 'not yet classified'!

initSubscription: property callback: block
   < return property['subscribe'].call(property, block); >.

    selectedSubscription := self initSubscription: (model at: 'selected') callback: [:value | self onSelectedChange: value].

    "create Knockout view model and configure subscriptions"
    model := < {} >.
    model at: 'id' put: (Knockout observable).
    model at: 'name' put: (Knockout observable).
    model at: 'selected' put: (Knockout observable).
    model at: 'enabled' put: (Knockout observable).
    self initSubscriptions.

onSelectedChange: value
    (model at: 'enabled') value: value
! !
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Re: using knockout.js from amber

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Re: using knockout.js from amber

I'd like to draw your attention to Knockout. It is a mature well documented implementation of Model-View-View Model pattern. I have created few sample scripts - see attached files - implementing some of the test cases available at

In your index page create a container <body><div id="dyn_content"></div></body>
Dependencies: jquery, knockout and optionally bootstrap.
After loading make sure to call

Different test cases are implemented as Knockout class methods.
Each method comment contains the appropriate command.

Good luck and look forward to your comments.