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Paolo Bonzini-2

I spent a pleasant afternoon refactoring and fixing bugs in VisualGST.
Diffstat follows:

  73 files changed, 765 insertions(+), 724 deletions(-)

Looks pretty brutal. :-)

Most important changes:

- Fixed recategorization of classes

- Fixed add category.  Now it is not anymore an undoable command, since
it's enough to just select another class to effectively undo the
command.  This can be changed again later, when DeleteCategory is
implemented (but how?)

- Removed UndoableCommand class.  The only interesting method could be
moved to UndoCommand.

- Fixed various backtraces on "nothing is selected".  Commands now can
refuse to execute, and there are abstract classes ClassCommand,
MethodCommand etc. that refuse to execute if there is no selected class,
method, etc.  Then, things such as FileoutClassCommand become subclasses
of ClassCommand.

- Related to this, all commands now take a browser widget as their
target.  You really should not pass classes, namespaces etc. to the
commands, as this is the task of the UndoCommands instead.  This was
necessary for the implementation of ClassCommand etc.

Anyway, let me say it again.  Commands a) should always decide what to
do _only based on the selection in the GUI_, b) are immutable, c) are
responsible for checking the validity of the state.   (I think that's
already the case for all commands, but didn't really check).

Why?  Because the plan here is to create commands once and for all at
browser creation time, and make them more integrated so that they can be
connected to the enabling/disabling/showing/hiding of menu item.

Instead, UndoCommands should always decide what to do only based on
their contents.  They're also immutable and responsible for checking the
validity of the state, but the similarities end here.  If later there is
a need, it is possible to change UndoCommand to UndoAction and add an
abstract Action class for repeatable but non-undoable actions.  I was
almost going to do this today, then decided that maybe we AGNI.

In fact, you could see UndoCommands as an instance of the Command
pattern, while Commands mediate between the view (the GTK+ objects) and
the controller (the GtkConcreteWidget).  Kudos to Gwen for the design.
It was not (and still is not) totally fleshed out, but it's really
waiting to come out beatifully.

- Also related to this, I completely redid the implementation of
doit/printit/etc.  These now have their own Commands too.  The browser
widget has control on the target object and asks the text widget to
doit/printit/etc. with the given object.  The typical implementation is

     targetObject [

     doIt: anObject [
          someTextWidget doIt: anObject

     doIt [
         DoItCommand on: self

This was necessary to fix DoIt and friends in debuggers and in inspector
browsers.  I haven't tested it in the SUnit browser, so doit etc. may be
broken there.  Despite the pleasure of the experience I was quite tired,
so I decided to stop.  Doits in the debugger are much more important.

- I renamed the VisualGST class to GtkLauncher, since it conflicted with
the namespace name.  Declaring the class with the same name as a
namespace should really be forbidden.

- On top of this there are a few small "feel" improvements such as
providing default buttons in the "Add" dialogs.

I already pushed it to the gst repo and to my visualgst fork on github.
  Please test it and find bugs.

I don't think I'll have time for more work in fixing the Debian hangs,
so I'll try to publish 3.2.1 in a week or two.  It will already have
been almost two months since the release.  I don't have plans for
opening the development of 3.3 yet, we need some calm.

Gwen, please merge master and stable.  Thanks!


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Re: visualgst

Lot of news. Congrats.

Then, visualgst can be used in production again?  (Add class, fileout, add namespace, senders etc. ...)

Paolo Bonzini <[hidden email]> wrote:

>I spent a pleasant afternoon refactoring and fixing bugs in VisualGST.
>Diffstat follows:
>  73 files changed, 765 insertions(+), 724 deletions(-)
>Looks pretty brutal. :-)
>Most important changes:
>- Fixed recategorization of classes
>- Fixed add category.  Now it is not anymore an undoable command, since
>it's enough to just select another class to effectively undo the
>command.  This can be changed again later, when DeleteCategory is
>implemented (but how?)
>- Removed UndoableCommand class.  The only interesting method could be
>moved to UndoCommand.
>- Fixed various backtraces on "nothing is selected".  Commands now can
>refuse to execute, and there are abstract classes ClassCommand,
>MethodCommand etc. that refuse to execute if there is no selected class,
>method, etc.  Then, things such as FileoutClassCommand become subclasses
>of ClassCommand.
>- Related to this, all commands now take a browser widget as their
>target.  You really should not pass classes, namespaces etc. to the
>commands, as this is the task of the UndoCommands instead.  This was
>necessary for the implementation of ClassCommand etc.
>Anyway, let me say it again.  Commands a) should always decide what to
>do _only based on the selection in the GUI_, b) are immutable, c) are
>responsible for checking the validity of the state.   (I think that's
>already the case for all commands, but didn't really check).
>Why?  Because the plan here is to create commands once and for all at
>browser creation time, and make them more integrated so that they can be
>connected to the enabling/disabling/showing/hiding of menu item.
>Instead, UndoCommands should always decide what to do only based on
>their contents.  They're also immutable and responsible for checking the
>validity of the state, but the similarities end here.  If later there is
>a need, it is possible to change UndoCommand to UndoAction and add an
>abstract Action class for repeatable but non-undoable actions.  I was
>almost going to do this today, then decided that maybe we AGNI.
>In fact, you could see UndoCommands as an instance of the Command
>pattern, while Commands mediate between the view (the GTK+ objects) and
>the controller (the GtkConcreteWidget).  Kudos to Gwen for the design.
>It was not (and still is not) totally fleshed out, but it's really
>waiting to come out beatifully.
>- Also related to this, I completely redid the implementation of
>doit/printit/etc.  These now have their own Commands too.  The browser
>widget has control on the target object and asks the text widget to
>doit/printit/etc. with the given object.  The typical implementation is
>     targetObject [
>          ^something
>     ]
>     doIt: anObject [
>          someTextWidget doIt: anObject
>     ]
>     doIt [
>         DoItCommand on: self
>     ]
>This was necessary to fix DoIt and friends in debuggers and in inspector
>browsers.  I haven't tested it in the SUnit browser, so doit etc. may be
>broken there.  Despite the pleasure of the experience I was quite tired,
>so I decided to stop.  Doits in the debugger are much more important.
>- I renamed the VisualGST class to GtkLauncher, since it conflicted with
>the namespace name.  Declaring the class with the same name as a
>namespace should really be forbidden.
>- On top of this there are a few small "feel" improvements such as
>providing default buttons in the "Add" dialogs.
>I already pushed it to the gst repo and to my visualgst fork on github.
>  Please test it and find bugs.
>I don't think I'll have time for more work in fixing the Debian hangs,
>so I'll try to publish 3.2.1 in a week or two.  It will already have
>been almost two months since the release.  I don't have plans for
>opening the development of 3.3 yet, we need some calm.
>Gwen, please merge master and stable.  Thanks!
>help-smalltalk mailing list
>[hidden email]

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Re: visualgst

Nicolas Petton
In reply to this post by Paolo Bonzini-2
That's awesome Paolo, thanks!
I'll give it a try and report bugs ASAP :)


Le samedi 12 juin 2010 à 19:45 +0200, Paolo Bonzini a écrit :

> All,
> I spent a pleasant afternoon refactoring and fixing bugs in VisualGST.
> Diffstat follows:
>   73 files changed, 765 insertions(+), 724 deletions(-)
> Looks pretty brutal. :-)
> Most important changes:
> - Fixed recategorization of classes
> - Fixed add category.  Now it is not anymore an undoable command, since
> it's enough to just select another class to effectively undo the
> command.  This can be changed again later, when DeleteCategory is
> implemented (but how?)
> - Removed UndoableCommand class.  The only interesting method could be
> moved to UndoCommand.
> - Fixed various backtraces on "nothing is selected".  Commands now can
> refuse to execute, and there are abstract classes ClassCommand,
> MethodCommand etc. that refuse to execute if there is no selected class,
> method, etc.  Then, things such as FileoutClassCommand become subclasses
> of ClassCommand.
> - Related to this, all commands now take a browser widget as their
> target.  You really should not pass classes, namespaces etc. to the
> commands, as this is the task of the UndoCommands instead.  This was
> necessary for the implementation of ClassCommand etc.
> Anyway, let me say it again.  Commands a) should always decide what to
> do _only based on the selection in the GUI_, b) are immutable, c) are
> responsible for checking the validity of the state.   (I think that's
> already the case for all commands, but didn't really check).
> Why?  Because the plan here is to create commands once and for all at
> browser creation time, and make them more integrated so that they can be
> connected to the enabling/disabling/showing/hiding of menu item.
> Instead, UndoCommands should always decide what to do only based on
> their contents.  They're also immutable and responsible for checking the
> validity of the state, but the similarities end here.  If later there is
> a need, it is possible to change UndoCommand to UndoAction and add an
> abstract Action class for repeatable but non-undoable actions.  I was
> almost going to do this today, then decided that maybe we AGNI.
> In fact, you could see UndoCommands as an instance of the Command
> pattern, while Commands mediate between the view (the GTK+ objects) and
> the controller (the GtkConcreteWidget).  Kudos to Gwen for the design.
> It was not (and still is not) totally fleshed out, but it's really
> waiting to come out beatifully.
> - Also related to this, I completely redid the implementation of
> doit/printit/etc.  These now have their own Commands too.  The browser
> widget has control on the target object and asks the text widget to
> doit/printit/etc. with the given object.  The typical implementation is
>      targetObject [
>           ^something
>      ]
>      doIt: anObject [
>           someTextWidget doIt: anObject
>      ]
>      doIt [
>          DoItCommand on: self
>      ]
> This was necessary to fix DoIt and friends in debuggers and in inspector
> browsers.  I haven't tested it in the SUnit browser, so doit etc. may be
> broken there.  Despite the pleasure of the experience I was quite tired,
> so I decided to stop.  Doits in the debugger are much more important.
> - I renamed the VisualGST class to GtkLauncher, since it conflicted with
> the namespace name.  Declaring the class with the same name as a
> namespace should really be forbidden.
> - On top of this there are a few small "feel" improvements such as
> providing default buttons in the "Add" dialogs.
> I already pushed it to the gst repo and to my visualgst fork on github.
>   Please test it and find bugs.
> I don't think I'll have time for more work in fixing the Debian hangs,
> so I'll try to publish 3.2.1 in a week or two.  It will already have
> been almost two months since the release.  I don't have plans for
> opening the development of 3.3 yet, we need some calm.
> Gwen, please merge master and stable.  Thanks!
> Paolo
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