vw 7.7 support for Windows 2000

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vw 7.7 support for Windows 2000

"Christian Haider"<[hidden email]> wrote:

> on the new support page http://www.cincomsmalltalk.com/main/support/
> Windows 2000 is said to be supported by VW 7.7.
> One Week ago I had a case where a customer complained about an error on
> Windows 2000 and I told them it is not supported.
> I found that information in the ProductReleaseCatalog.pdf from
> https://supportweb.cincom.com/ .
> The problem was the new time zone OS call on windows which only exists
> in the kernel.dll from Windows XP on.
> Do I have a support case? :-)

I can't give you official support answer, only support can, but I can make some remarks from the engineering POV :-). Presumably you're talking about TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime, we clearly missed that one, although it's interesting that all the other functions are supported from W2K on. Regardless, even if we did notice we would likely just recommend bumping up the support constraints to W2K3. W2Ks final (extended) EOL deadline seems to be coming up in 2 months, that clearly doesn't justify extra effort to accommodate it.

Possible work-around is switching back to the plain Smalltalk TimeZone, as the (still the same old) TimeZone settings page shows. Obviously you won't get any of the SystemTimeZone advantages that way, more details on that can be found in the release notes.



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Re: vw 7.7 support for Windows 2000

"Steven Kelly"<[hidden email]> wrote:

> On a related note, the new Timezone code is pretty fragile. "Timestamp
> zero asSeconds" blows up on Windows, as does "Time now asTimestamp
> asSeconds", because the "year 0" date is before what Windows can cope
> with. Obviously there are ways around this (Duration etc.), and that
> kind of code is semantically suspect anyway, but the errors are rather
> unnecessary.
> For now, we've overridden #asSeconds to handle errors with [:ex | ex
> return: (TimeZone null timestampToSeconds: self)]. That seems to work
> well as a stopgap while we transform all our old code to use Durations
> (which are great, BTW!).

While I can understand that your workaround may be fine for your application specifically, it doesn't seem to me like something we could adopt for the product in general (as it gives you up to 12 hours of error depending on your TZ). You could try to set up a compromise using the CompositeTimeZone, e.g:

        CompositeEasternForWindows := "There was no DST before 1600"
                (CompositeTimeZone default: (TimeZone timeDifference: -5 DST: 0 at: 0 from: 0 to: 0 startDay: #Sunday))
                        startingInYear: 1601 use: SystemTimeZone new;
        TimeZone setDefaultTimeZone: CompositeEasternForWindows

But again we can't easily do that for VW in general. We'd need the ability to detect the OS TZ (which is doable) but we'd also have to have Smalltalk equivalents for all timezones, at which point you may as well just load Chronos. On the other hand this sort of workaround is much more feasible for specific deployments.


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Re: vw 7.7 support for Windows 2000

Holger Kleinsorgen-4
Am 06.05.2010 15:53, schrieb [hidden email]:

> "Steven Kelly"<[hidden email]>  wrote:
>> On a related note, the new Timezone code is pretty fragile. "Timestamp
>> zero asSeconds" blows up on Windows, as does "Time now asTimestamp
>> asSeconds", because the "year 0" date is before what Windows can cope
>> with. Obviously there are ways around this (Duration etc.), and that
>> kind of code is semantically suspect anyway, but the errors are rather
>> unnecessary.
>> For now, we've overridden #asSeconds to handle errors with [:ex | ex
>> return: (TimeZone null timestampToSeconds: self)]. That seems to work
>> well as a stopgap while we transform all our old code to use Durations
>> (which are great, BTW!).
> While I can understand that your workaround may be fine for your application specifically, it doesn't seem to me like something we could adopt for the product in general (as it gives you up to 12 hours of error depending on your TZ). You could try to set up a compromise using the CompositeTimeZone, e.g:

I'm wondering under which circumstances there will ever be a difference
between Timezone null and Timezone default when using #asSeconds or
#fromSeconds:. #asSeconds and #fromSeconds do not involve any
timezone-related api (#universalToLocal:, #localToUniversal:) when using
the system timezone.
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Re: vw 7.7 support for Windows 2000

Steven Kelly
In reply to this post by kobetic
> > "Timestamp zero asSeconds" blows up on Windows...
> > For now, we've overridden #asSeconds to handle errors with [:ex | ex
> > return: (TimeZone null timestampToSeconds: self)]. That seems to
> > well as a stopgap
> While I can understand that your workaround may be fine for your
> application specifically, it doesn't seem to me like something we
> adopt for the product in general (as it gives you up to 12 hours of
> error depending on your TZ).

Sure. The places we had Timestamp zero were all using Timestamps as a
way of doing arithmetic and comparisons (in the olden days Date and Time
weren't as good at this as Timestamp). In those places, the null
timezone makes sense as a fallback (and indeed is better than any real
timezone, since it doesn't mess around with DST).

What base VW should do is a tricky question. Essentially this is an "out
of supported range" situation, so not an error like dividing by zero.
The answer to the question exists (albeit with possible slight
inaccuracies for distant years), the OS just can't be bothered to work
it out. I think at the least the error should be raised as a
platform-independent error specific to this problem. Currently it is
raised as a generic Error, although the code that does it is the same
across platforms. Also, the documentation should list the range
supported by each platform, and the safe range for all platforms.

Ideally the calculation should just extend infinitely in both
directions, using Smalltalk to apply the current OS timezone rules to
times outside the range supported by the OS. That was what happened with
the earlier OSTimeZone package, and of course with VW before that
(although you had to enter the TimeZone data manually).

Currently, it looks like we've lost any dates outside 1901-2038 on Unix,
which is a pretty big loss. I'd much rather be able to get a half-decent
answer to "how many days since the pyramids were built in 2750BC" or
"milliseconds until the next appearance of Halley's comet", than an
error message because the OS wasn't sure of the leapsecond rule that far
out. Smalltalk seamlessly extends the range for numbers, but 7.7 has
seriously limited the range for Timestamps.


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Re: vw 7.7 support for Windows 2000

In reply to this post by kobetic
"Steven Kelly"<[hidden email]> wrote:
> What base VW should do is a tricky question. Essentially this is an "out
> of supported range" situation, so not an error like dividing by zero.
> The answer to the question exists (albeit with possible slight
> inaccuracies for distant years), the OS just can't be bothered to work
> it out. I think at the least the error should be raised as a
> platform-independent error specific to this problem. Currently it is
> raised as a generic Error, although the code that does it is the same
> across platforms.

We could certainly do that, although it seemed to us that this kind of failure is something that developers would have to sort out during development (e.g. by setting up a composite timezone etc) and not by trying to deal with it at runtime in a deployed application, in which case specific error class didn't seem worth it.

> Also, the documentation should list the range
> supported by each platform, and the safe range for all platforms.

We did try to list all the known limitations in the release note, was that insufficient ? I'm not sure if the doc updates in 7.7.1 will include platform specific details, I suspect our doc guys generally try to avoid those in the docs.

> Ideally the calculation should just extend infinitely in both
> directions, using Smalltalk to apply the current OS timezone rules to
> times outside the range supported by the OS. That was what happened with
> the earlier OSTimeZone package, and of course with VW before that
> (although you had to enter the TimeZone data manually).

As far as I can see even the latest version of OSTimeZone is able to get the necessary TZ parameters from the OS only for Win32 platforms. And that's only to power the limited model of the classic TimeZone definition. My point was that to do a decent job you just can't get by without the full TZ database (either hidden behind some OS calls, or directly available at the smalltalk level, which is exactly what Chronos does). On the other hand not every customer would find the cost of Chronos in the base image acceptable, if they don't need it. That's why it's great to have it as a loadable option for those who do.

>From 300 foot POV, it's quite likely that a large percentage of applications should be fine within the constraints of the OS timezone capabilities. Otherwise the OSes wouldn't get away with being so constrained in the first place. On top of it SystemTimeZone elegantly addresses our long standing and loud complaint of VW not synchronizing its TZ settings with the OS. It clearly won't fit everyone's needs, and hopefully we can address those with various workarounds.

> Currently, it looks like we've lost any dates outside 1901-2038 on Unix,
> which is a pretty big loss. I'd much rather be able to get a half-decent
> answer to "how many days since the pyramids were built in 2750BC" or
> "milliseconds until the next appearance of Halley's comet", than an
> error message because the OS wasn't sure of the leapsecond rule that far
> out. Smalltalk seamlessly extends the range for numbers, but 7.7 has
> seriously limited the range for Timestamps.

I can't quite agree with that statement. You can still create and work with Timestamps for arbitrary points in time, you just may run into limits *in the default configuration* with operations that require a timezone. As you already pointed out we hope Durations will help in that department. And if the default configuration just doesn't work well enough for you, you still have the option of going back to the old timezone setup (which always required manual setup so that's no different from switching back to it now), or load Chronos or whatever. But I'm quite confident that none of those options is such that it will fit everyone's requirements perfectly.

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Re: vw 7.7 support for Windows 2000

In reply to this post by kobetic
"Holger Kleinsorgen"<[hidden email]> wrote:
> I'm wondering under which circumstances there will ever be a difference
> between Timezone null and Timezone default when using #asSeconds or
> #fromSeconds:. #asSeconds and #fromSeconds do not involve any
> timezone-related api (#universalToLocal:, #localToUniversal:) when using
> the system timezone.

Not sure what you mean, conversion between timestamps and second counts most definitely should and does involve the timezone, otherwise you can't account for DST or leap seconds or years.

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Re: vw 7.7 support for Windows 2000

Steven Kelly
In reply to this post by kobetic
The release notes are first rate! Many thanks for them, and sorry that
I'd forgotten the details. I knew that our app did nothing even vaguely
interesting with time and dates, so was surprised when things broke down
in quite a few places. Code like "Time now asTimestamp asSeconds" and
"Timestamp zero asSeconds" wasn't something I thought would break, so I
thought I'd mention it in case others had code like that.

Maybe we could have something a bit like CompositeTimeZone as the
default. If the Timestamp was less than the first year or greater than
the last year supported by the OS, it would simply change the year to be
in range, calculate the result for that year with the OS, and then add a
generic amount for the number of years to the original argument.

Having said that, my #asSeconds hack seems to do surprisingly well. I
just tried this:

future := Date newDay: 180 year: SmallInteger maxVal.
history := Date newDay: 180 year: SmallInteger maxVal negated.
future - history

and got the correct answer (~365.25 * SmallInteger maxVal * 2). Without
#asSeconds falling back to TimeZone null, that calculation gives two
errors. I think users might be surprised that date calculations would
fail just because of the OS timezone range. Date certainly doesn't
mention it in its comment, which promises any Julian date. (One problem
with PDF release notes and manuals for permanent documentation is that
we're Smalltalkers :-). We read source code and class comments more than
PDFs (or at least I do). But that's a different conversation.)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
> Sent: 6. toukokuuta 2010 18:22
> To: Steven Kelly
> Cc: VWNC,
> Subject: RE: [vwnc] vw 7.7 support for Windows 2000
> "Steven Kelly"<[hidden email]> wrote:
> > What base VW should do is a tricky question. Essentially this is an
> "out
> > of supported range" situation, so not an error like dividing by
> > The answer to the question exists (albeit with possible slight
> > inaccuracies for distant years), the OS just can't be bothered to
> work
> > it out. I think at the least the error should be raised as a
> > platform-independent error specific to this problem. Currently it is
> > raised as a generic Error, although the code that does it is the

> > across platforms.
> We could certainly do that, although it seemed to us that this kind of
> failure is something that developers would have to sort out during
> development (e.g. by setting up a composite timezone etc) and not by
> trying to deal with it at runtime in a deployed application, in which
> case specific error class didn't seem worth it.
> > Also, the documentation should list the range
> > supported by each platform, and the safe range for all platforms.
> We did try to list all the known limitations in the release note, was
> that insufficient ? I'm not sure if the doc updates in 7.7.1 will
> include platform specific details, I suspect our doc guys generally
> to avoid those in the docs.
> > Ideally the calculation should just extend infinitely in both
> > directions, using Smalltalk to apply the current OS timezone rules

> > times outside the range supported by the OS. That was what happened
> with
> > the earlier OSTimeZone package, and of course with VW before that
> > (although you had to enter the TimeZone data manually).
> As far as I can see even the latest version of OSTimeZone is able to
> get the necessary TZ parameters from the OS only for Win32 platforms.
> And that's only to power the limited model of the classic TimeZone
> definition. My point was that to do a decent job you just can't get by
> without the full TZ database (either hidden behind some OS calls, or
> directly available at the smalltalk level, which is exactly what
> Chronos does). On the other hand not every customer would find the
> of Chronos in the base image acceptable, if they don't need it. That's
> why it's great to have it as a loadable option for those who do.
> From 300 foot POV, it's quite likely that a large percentage of
> applications should be fine within the constraints of the OS timezone
> capabilities. Otherwise the OSes wouldn't get away with being so
> constrained in the first place. On top of it SystemTimeZone elegantly
> addresses our long standing and loud complaint of VW not synchronizing
> its TZ settings with the OS. It clearly won't fit everyone's needs,

> hopefully we can address those with various workarounds.
> > Currently, it looks like we've lost any dates outside 1901-2038 on
> Unix,
> > which is a pretty big loss. I'd much rather be able to get a half-
> decent
> > answer to "how many days since the pyramids were built in 2750BC" or
> > "milliseconds until the next appearance of Halley's comet", than an
> > error message because the OS wasn't sure of the leapsecond rule that
> far
> > out. Smalltalk seamlessly extends the range for numbers, but 7.7 has
> > seriously limited the range for Timestamps.
> I can't quite agree with that statement. You can still create and work
> with Timestamps for arbitrary points in time, you just may run into
> limits *in the default configuration* with operations that require a
> timezone. As you already pointed out we hope Durations will help in
> that department. And if the default configuration just doesn't work
> well enough for you, you still have the option of going back to the
> timezone setup (which always required manual setup so that's no
> different from switching back to it now), or load Chronos or whatever.
> But I'm quite confident that none of those options is such that it
> fit everyone's requirements perfectly.

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timestamp asSeconds/fromSeconds (Was: Re: vw 7.7 support for Windows 2000)

Holger Kleinsorgen-4
In reply to this post by kobetic
Am 06.05.2010 17:35, schrieb [hidden email]:
> "Holger Kleinsorgen"<[hidden email]>  wrote:
>> I'm wondering under which circumstances there will ever be a difference
>> between Timezone null and Timezone default when using #asSeconds or
>> #fromSeconds:. #asSeconds and #fromSeconds do not involve any
>> timezone-related api (#universalToLocal:, #localToUniversal:) when using
>> the system timezone.
> Not sure what you mean, conversion between timestamps and second counts most definitely should and does involve the timezone, otherwise you can't account for DST or leap seconds or years.

1601 to: 30827 do: [: year |
   1 to: 12 do: [ : month |
     | timestamp nullSeconds systemSeconds nullTimestamp systemTimestamp  |
     timestamp := (Date newDay: 1 monthNumber: month year: year)
     nullSeconds := TimeZone null timestampToSeconds: timestamp.
     systemSeconds := TimeZone default timestampToSeconds: timestamp.
     nullSeconds = systemSeconds ifFalse: [ self halt ].
     nullTimestamp := TimeZone null secondsToTimestamp: nullSeconds.
     systemTimestamp := TimeZone null secondsToTimestamp: nullSeconds.
     nullTimestamp = systemTimestamp ifFalse: [ self halt ].

The code above never halts.

On Windows, "timestamp asSeconds" boils down to a call to
SystemTimeToFileTime(). MSDN says:

"Converts a system time to file time format. System time is based on
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).". FILETIME is based on UTC, too.

So no timezone-related adjustements are made (DST etc.). It only

Timezone-related adjustements are only done when sending
#localToUniversal: / #localToUniversal: (like "Timestamp now" does).
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Re: vw 7.7 support for Windows 2000

In reply to this post by kobetic
"Steven Kelly"<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Maybe we could have something a bit like CompositeTimeZone as the
> default. If the Timestamp was less than the first year or greater than
> the last year supported by the OS, it would simply change the year to be
> in range, calculate the result for that year with the OS, and then add a
> generic amount for the number of years to the original argument.
> Having said that, my #asSeconds hack seems to do surprisingly well. I
> just tried this:
> future := Date newDay: 180 year: SmallInteger maxVal.
> history := Date newDay: 180 year: SmallInteger maxVal negated.
> future - history
> and got the correct answer (~365.25 * SmallInteger maxVal * 2). Without
> #asSeconds falling back to TimeZone null, that calculation gives two
> errors. I think users might be surprised that date calculations would
> fail just because of the OS timezone range. Date certainly doesn't
> mention it in its comment, which promises any Julian date.

Yes, as Holger pointed out I was wrong about the TimeZone null fallback, it seems that it is feasible to extrapolate the functional range of #asSeconds/#fromSeconds: beyond the SystemTimeZone range, at least as the default configuration (some applications still may not be OK with the extrapolation, so there should be a way to get the conversions to fail if desired). Note however that it still won't get you too far in terms of working with Timestamps.

Arguably, the 'future - history' expression should assume that the future and history are in local timezone (that's what you get from Timestamp now and Date today, and that's what most applications would expect, given that Timestamps (as they are today) don't have explicit indication of their timezone). Therefore the implementation of Timestamp>>- should really first convert the timestamps to UTC and only then apply the asMilliseconds calls which treat the receivers as UTC timestamps.

So even if we do fix things up for asSeconds/fromSeconds:, you're still really tied to purely UTC computations, which won't help much in most cases. At that point is it even worth it ?

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Re: vw 7.7 support for Windows 2000

Kooyman, Les
Re: [vwnc] vw 7.7 support for Windows 2000
With regard to timestamps not generally carrying time zone information:
Looking at ISO-8601 as used in the CLDR (Common Locale Data Repository), we have a timestamp standard that is designed to be culturally-neutral and unambiguous, and it only allows for two kinds of time zones: local (the presumed default) and UTC.
Perhaps this is because the time zone database is volatile, and its use in an app is overkill for the usual single location that only needs to do time calcs based upon a known reference point such as local or UTC.
Coincidentally, I'm looking to provide an ISO-8601 compliant timestamp facility in the follow-on release of VW (my shorthand for whatever comes after 7.7.1). This will also compensate for the CLDR's lack of milliseconds in its timestamp formatting support.
Perhaps ISO-8601 support ought to be configurable to allow UTC to be set as the image default for creating portable timestamps, otherwise, even if using ISO-8601 timestamps, everyone would have to consciously translate each timestamp to UTC before exchange.
This could bring you to a point where you wouldn't have to assume that future and history are in local time zone. You would always know about each timestamp if the timestamps consistently carried the information.

From: [hidden email] on behalf of [hidden email]
Sent: Thu 5/6/2010 1:34 PM
To: Steven Kelly
Subject: Re: [vwnc] vw 7.7 support for Windows 2000

"Steven Kelly"<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Maybe we could have something a bit like CompositeTimeZone as the
> default. If the Timestamp was less than the first year or greater than
> the last year supported by the OS, it would simply change the year to be
> in range, calculate the result for that year with the OS, and then add a
> generic amount for the number of years to the original argument.
> Having said that, my #asSeconds hack seems to do surprisingly well. I
> just tried this:
> future := Date newDay: 180 year: SmallInteger maxVal.
> history := Date newDay: 180 year: SmallInteger maxVal negated.
> future - history
> and got the correct answer (~365.25 * SmallInteger maxVal * 2). Without
> #asSeconds falling back to TimeZone null, that calculation gives two
> errors. I think users might be surprised that date calculations would
> fail just because of the OS timezone range. Date certainly doesn't
> mention it in its comment, which promises any Julian date.

Yes, as Holger pointed out I was wrong about the TimeZone null fallback, it seems that it is feasible to extrapolate the functional range of #asSeconds/#fromSeconds: beyond the SystemTimeZone range, at least as the default configuration (some applications still may not be OK with the extrapolation, so there should be a way to get the conversions to fail if desired). Note however that it still won't get you too far in terms of working with Timestamps.

Arguably, the 'future - history' expression should assume that the future and history are in local timezone (that's what you get from Timestamp now and Date today, and that's what most applications would expect, given that Timestamps (as they are today) don't have explicit indication of their timezone). Therefore the implementation of Timestamp>>- should really first convert the timestamps to UTC and only then apply the asMilliseconds calls which treat the receivers as UTC timestamps.

So even if we do fix things up for asSeconds/fromSeconds:, you're still really tied to purely UTC computations, which won't help much in most cases. At that point is it even worth it ?

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Re: vw 7.7 support for Windows 2000

Steven Kelly
In reply to this post by kobetic
RE: [vwnc] vw 7.7 support for Windows 2000
"Steven Kelly"<[hidden email]> wrote:

>> Maybe we could have something a bit like CompositeTimeZone as the
>> default. If the Timestamp was less than the first year or greater than
>> the last year supported by the OS, it would simply change the year to be
>> in range, calculate the result for that year with the OS, and then add a
>> generic amount for the number of years to the original argument.
>> Having said that, my #asSeconds hack seems to do surprisingly well.
>> future := Date newDay: 180 year: SmallInteger maxVal.
>> history := Date newDay: 180 year: SmallInteger maxVal negated.
>> future - history
> Arguably, the 'future - history' expression should assume that
> the future and history are in local timezone (that's what you get
> from Timestamp now and Date today, and that's what most
> applications would expect, given that Timestamps (as they are
> today) don't have explicit indication of their timezone). Therefore
> the implementation of Timestamp>>- should really first convert
> the timestamps to UTC and only then apply the asMilliseconds
> calls which treat the receivers as UTC timestamps.
> So even if we do fix things up for asSeconds/fromSeconds:,
> you're still really tied to purely UTC computations, which won't
> help much in most cases. At that point is it even worth it ?

By the time we're out of the range of Windows' OS limits, and probably even for Unix, I don't think we care too much about DST. An hour of DST in 2038 is an error of 0.0004%. Even 24 hours of timezone is only 0.01%. Bear in mind that's the maximum error, and in most cases there will be no error if we use my idea for massaging the year into range.

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