I currently include the package PerProcessLocale in my dev image based
on vw7.10.1.
PerProcessLocale defines many overrides for class MessageCatalogManager
and Locale classes that seem out of date, because the base
MessageCatalogManager or Locale code has changed in the meantime. Some
of the overrides are probably obsolete because the code seems to be
integrated in at least 7.10.1 in regular Locale handling code.
These overrides in MessageCatalogManager also introduce an Undeclared
#languageId, probably because old code is overriding newer.
I would prefer PerProcessLocale to be an extension to the system as far
as possible, overriding no base code or the minimum possible. Currently
there are too many overrides with no or minimum changes to the original
base code, so they seem obsolete to me today, or should be fully
integrated into the base if possible, and so removed from PerProcessLocale.
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