JNIPort 1.0 is now available in Cincom's Public Store Repository and on the
JNIPort wiki at
What is it?
JNIPort is a Smalltalk library which allows Java code to be invoked from
Smalltalk. It acts as a bridge between the world of Smalltalk objects
and a Java Virtual Machine where Java code is executing. With
JNIPort you can:
* Supplement Smalltalk's libraries with the rather extensive Java
libraries from Sun and other vendors.
* Use the normal (to a Smalltalker) interactive way of playing with
objects and code in workspaces to learn about and prototype Java
* Continue to use your legacy Java code as you migrate to a more
grown-up language... ;-)
What's new?
- JNIPort is ready for the upcoming VisualWorks 7.7.
- The download at
http://jniport.wikispaces.com contains parcels. You can
now use JNIPort without needing access to the Public Store Repository. This
also gives you more options for deployment.
- Methods which are present in newer VisualWorks releases, but not in older
ones, have been moved to separate packages/parcels. For details, see the
documentation at
http://jniport.wikispaces.com/Loading+JNIPort+from+a+Store+Repositoryor the file JNIPort_Readme.txt which accompanies the download from the
JNIPort wiki.
- Prerequisites have been refactored, and a missing prerequisite
(ExtraEmphases) of the JNIPort Tools has been added.
- The portions developed by Chris Uppal are covered by his own very liberal
license. The portions which I have created are now published under the MIT
What's next?
JNIPort 1.0 is a stable baseline which serves as the starting point for
porting JNIPort to Pharo/Squeak and back to Dolphin Smalltalk. The first
step in this direction will be the removal of dependencies on dialect
specific features.
Joachim Geidel
vwnc mailing list
[hidden email]