I am trying to interface to an Oracle database from a Visualworks image, but
no matter what I try, I always get the error "Database client libraries are
inaccessible. Either the Object Engine has not been linked with the required
libraries, or the DLLs for those libraries are not in your search path. For
more information, consult the release notes for this Connect product.".
This error message I get appears to be a canned message that comes from
OracleInterface>>OCIInitialize after it gets a bad return code from its C
call to OCIInitialize. I have no visibility into that code. I am running
vw7.5 under Solaris. More precisely, 'uname -a' gives 'SunOS ra 5.10
Generic_118833-33 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-880'.
What I have done is bring up a Visualworks image (bin/solaris/visual
image/visual.im), do System -> Load Parcels Names and load the parcel
OracleEXDI, then try Tools -> Database -> Ad Hoc SQL, after which I get a
dialog box that prompts me for a User Name, Password, and Environment. I
give it pwuser, pwuser, and ra_apcdb, where apcdb is the name of our Oracle
10g database on the machine ra, though none of this should matter, because,
as noted above, we get a problem linking. The database is actually 'Oracle
Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi'.
I have my ORACLE_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH both set to the oracle library
where the so files are. From the version 7 release notes, I get the
impression that the file wanted is libclntsh.so, and it is there. (I also
tried placing it in other directories (., bin/solaris/visual, and image) and
augmenting my LD_LIBRARY_PATH appropriately, to no avail).
What can I do to fix this or to get more information on what is wrong?
Thanks for any help you can give,
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