[vwnc] Asynchronous SOAP?

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[vwnc] Asynchronous SOAP?

Steven Kelly

Does VW 7.6 support asynchronous SOAP request-response operations, or SOAP notification operations?



Background: our product, MetaEdit+, is a desktop application that offers a SOAP API to allow other applications to read and write data and perform some operations. A user has requested a new kind of operation: they want to perform an API operation in MetaEdit+ when a certain event/state occurs in MetaEdit+. We don’t currently support sending notifications – that’s the other direction from our normal client-server API. I see a few possibilities:


1)      They could hack it by polling for the current state, and act when the response is the desired state

2)      They could hack it by asking for the desired state, and MetaEdit+ would wait for the desired state or a timeout before responding – so like 1) but less frequent messages

3)      They could use an asynchronous SOAP request-response, which seems to be supported by the SOAP clients in common frameworks like .NET and Axis

4)      They could request that MetaEdit+ send a SOAP/WSDL notification message when the event occurs




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