When a WSDL (and/or XSD) describes a complexType that contains an element with a "name" attribute with a value of "class", the tool will create an "x2oBinding" definition with the same element name and an "aspect" attribute with a value of "class". This translates into the generated class definition containing an an instance variable named "class" and corresponding selectors "#class" and "#class:"
For example, given the following XSD defintion:
The corresponding x2oBinding definition will be:
The end result will be an "SomeComplexType" class definition with a #class instance selector that returns the boolean instance variable, instead of the instance's Class.
My own personal fix to this problem was to modify the XMLObjectBindingPolicy>>addAspectAttributeTo: method to call a new #makeSafeAttribute: method that guards against creating an aspect named "class":
addAspectAttributeTo: anXMLElement | attr value |
(attr := anXMLElement attributeNamed: 'name' ifAbsent: [ nil]) == nil ifTrue: [ (attr := anXMLElement attributeNamed: 'tag' ifAbsent: [ nil]) == nil ifTrue: [ attr := anXMLElement attributeNamed: 'ref' ifAbsent: [ nil]]]. attr == nil ifTrue: [ ^self error: (#CanNotSetAspect << #webservices>> 'Can not set aspect')]. value := attr value.
(value detect: [ :c | c = $:] ifNone: [ nil ]) ~~ nil ifTrue: [value := value copyFrom: ( value indexOf: $: ) + 1 to: value size].
self elementAssist addAttribute: 'aspect' value: (self makeSafeAspectAttribute: ( self createAspectValue: value )) to: anXMLElement.
makeSafeAspectAttribute: aSymbol
(aSymbol = #class) ifTrue: [^#apiClass] ifFalse: [^aSymbol]
A nicer solution would allow for the user to specify what they want the new name to be.
Kind regards,Todd
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