NamedChangeSet has a method
"Answer a collection of the changed (added or redefined) classes,
not including removed classes."
| classes |
classes := Set new.
self objectChanges keysAndValuesDo: [:className :chGrp | | class |
(class := self classNamed: className) notNil ifTrue:
[classes add: class.
(class class isMeta
and: [class class nonTrivial
and: [chGrp changes includes: #add]]) ifTrue:
[classes add: class class]]].
The problem is that "objectChanges" includes class variable names, such as
the "self classNamed: ..." method for this returns the "value" of that
class variable which can be anything. Thus this "anything" gets into the
list of classes changed. In my case, the "Set" equality test failed for
reasons on the value returned.
Seems to me that this is a problem, although I don't know for sure how
to fix it.
Can't test that the result is a class since it might be a class, but
might be
some totally unrelated class.
Dennis Smith +1 416.798.7948
Cherniak Software Development Corporation Fax: +1 416.798.0948
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