Hi Everybody! I have a problem with a ComboBox. I have properties - Choices: listaEditoriales.
So, This is the method:
listaEditoriales| lista listaEdit |
lista := adm listaEditoriales. "Here, I go to the DB and search the editoriales"
listaEdit := List new.
lista do:[:e | listaEdit add: (e at:1)]. "I add to listaEdit the editoriales, that are in an Array"
listaEditoriales := listaEdit asValue.
Finally, I have in the list listaEdit all the editoriales, like a String (I checked with listaEdit inspect) but fails when It want to assign that to the listaEditoriales again.
Can you help me? Do I use a ComboBox or a Menu? What I'm doing wrong? I read all the ComboBox information of the GUIDevGuide.pdf but I don't know what is bad.
The error is this: 'Unhandled exception: Message not understood: #value'
JP Cook
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