Oops, meant to post this to the list...
Alan Knight wrote:
> I can't say that I understand the implications of everything, but why
> not just try using the lower-level
> #execute:arguments:do:errorStreamDo:, which lets you give it blocks
> that deal with the input and output streams, rather than blocking the
> calling process. It might just leave you with blocks stuck waiting on
> things that haven't closed yet, but that might be better than blocking
> your calling process.
Parent needs Child's output. It also need to be synchronous with
Child. I guess I could use something like UnixProcess
class>>forkJob:arguments:descriptors: and pass in nil for descriptors???
and then poll until the UnixProcess indicates that it has
terminated...and collect the output from a file...I'm starting to see a
workaround but I think that there is a real problem in ExternalProcess
(under Linux at least). I'll try the workaround...
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