Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Tim Chevalier" <
[hidden email]>
> Date: 6 juin 2008 23:22:32 HAEC
> To:
[hidden email],
[hidden email],
[hidden email]
> ,
[hidden email],
[hidden email],
[hidden email]
> ,
[hidden email],
[hidden email],
[hidden email]
> ,
[hidden email],
[hidden email],
[hidden email]
> ,
[hidden email],
[hidden email],
[hidden email],
[hidden email]
> ,
[hidden email],
[hidden email],
[hidden email]
> , Programatica <
[hidden email]>,
[hidden email]
> Subject: [ecoop-info] 2008 ICFP Programming Contest
> Reply-To:
[hidden email]
> Mark your calendars for Friday, July 11, 2008 to Monday, July 14,
> 2008: the dates for the eleventh annual ICFP Programming Contest.
> The ICFP Programming Contest is one of the most advanced and
> prestigious programming contests, as well as being a chance to show
> off your programming skills, your favorite languages and tools, and
> your ability to work as a team. The contest is affiliated with the
> International Conference on Functional Programming. Teams consisting
> of one or more participants, from any part of the world, using any
> programming language, may enter.
> The specific task will be announced when the contest begins. In the
> meantime, watch the Web site for more information:
> Please direct any questions to Tim Sheard at
[hidden email], rather
> than replying to this message.
> -Tim Chevalier, on behalf of the 2008 contest organizers
> (programming language devotees at Portland State University and
> the University of Chicago)
> --
> Tim Chevalier * * Often in error, never in
> doubt
> "...I thought the secret of life was obvious: be here now, love as if
> your whole life depended on it, find your life's work, and try to get
> hold of a giant panda." -- Anne Lamott
> _______________________________________________
> ecoop-info mailing list
[hidden email]
Noury Bouraqadi
Dr. Noury Bouraqadi - Enseignant/Chercheur
Responsable de l'enseignement de l'informatique
ARMINES - Ecole des Mines de Douai - Dept. I.A. Smalltalk Users Group Board
vwnc mailing list
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