Hi list,
I just wanted to inform the french speaking VisualWorks users that I have created a free website about Smalltalk in french at this url:
The site is very new so there is not much content until now but there is already a forum available (http://www.smalltalkinfrench.org/forum ). I have space to host Smalltalk resources in french if needed.
The aims are simply to provide a place to point all resources about Smalltalk (mailing lists, wiki, websites, blogs) and also to experiment a single forum where french Smalltalkers could ask and answer questions about Smalltalk and its different implementations (whether open source or not), from beginners to experts, just to see if it helps to strenghten the french Smalltalk community.
So for the french speaking VisualWorks users, I hope you'll visit us and for the non native french speaking users, sorry for the spam but I can still send you this message: it is allways time to learn French and then visit us ;-)
Have a good day all,
Florent Arrignon
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