I'm working on a StoreForMySQL. It creates the tables OK, but when it
tries to create the vew:
CREATE VIEW store.TW_MethodsView as
SELECT store.TW_Method.primaryKey, store.TW_Method.name,
store.TW_Method.timeStamp, store.TW_Method.version,
store.TW_Method.userName, store.TW_Method.trace,
store.TW_Method.className, store.TW_Methods.packageRef,
store.TW_Method.sourceCodeID, store.TW_Method.protocolName
FROM store.TW_Methods, store.TW_Method
WHERE store.TW_Methods.methodRef = store.TW_Method.primaryKey
I get error 1350, "View's SELECT contains a 'INTO' clause"
Personally, I don't see an "INTO" but perhaps there's another bug I
don't recognize?
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