I have a question and a small problem (all in VW7.6):
a) Assume I create a canvas with a horizontal scrollbar, a fixed size
list on the left and a proportional subcanvas on the right. In the
subcanvas I install a similar structure, i.e. a list on the left and
a proportional subcanvas on the right. I repeat this recursively a
couple of times. When the view is opened, the user sees a number of
fixed size list views next to each other, extending beyond the
visible area, but the scrollbar in the root canvas does not reflect
this. Shouldn't there be a way for the scrollwrapper to 'look' inside
the complete view? As an example I am experimenting with a MAC-finder
like (well, initially at least) tool. I have a work-around, but it is
just that, a work-around for something that should be simple (i.e.
b) If I add a CDATA to an XML document, the SAXwriter generates
strange 'XML', like: ... <LOG<![CDATA[> ... (the printString is
correct however). I assume this is a known problem, but I just report
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