tkkg42 wrote:
> Hello,
> VW 7.6
> I recently noticed that when I load the 3PSB (any version, but
> specifically RB4xx - 4.15.rc1,xp), into a fresh image, it breaks
> spawning on a Package causing a walk-back DNU on
> BrowserEnvironment#pundles.
So it does. We usually just hit ctrl-n to spawn a new hierarchy browser
which does work.
> I've been unable to determine what behavior the 3PSB adds/modifies in
> the RB classes that causes this issue (I've been away from Smalltalk
> so long I consider myself a neophyte once again.)
Don't feel bad, anything in the RB area seems difficult. That is why I'm
not going to try and fix it. Its been years since I worked on the 3PSB.
Maybe someone else will have a go.
Steve A
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