Hi, folks, I'm no good at SQL or any relational database so BOSS is easy for me to store objects on, update them and read back. The problem is I have to save to many files. So I try to insert boss into SQLite tables, one table for a class and each object has two fields one for id and one for byte array. (I'll describe in details below).
Now, I don't know how to update the database, when object changes. I can not find an example in DatabaseAppDevGuide on this. Any advice please? I have know idea of SQL syntax. Thanks in advance.
Here is the details in Quote format(so if you can't see it please click on the link). I add several extensions to Object class, which have taken me one day to debug out bossByteArray | byteArray | (BinaryObjectStorage onNew: (byteArray := ByteArray new: 10000) writeStream) nextPut: self; close. ^byteArray
sqbObject ^self bossByteArray sqbObjectID ^self subclassResponsibility sqbConnection: conn retrieve: ablock "conn := (ExternalDatabaseConnection new) username: 'xxxx'; password: 'password'; environment:'SQLiteBoss.db'; yourself." "self bdb: conn retrieve:[:strm|strm nextPutAll: 'select sql from sqlite_master where type= ''table''']" | sssn | ^ [conn connect. sssn := conn getSession. conn inTransactionMode ifFalse: [conn begin]. sssn prepare: (String streamContents: ablock); blockFactor: 100; execute. sssn answer upToEnd] ensure: ["conn commit." conn disconnect] sqbConnection: aConnection save: anObject "objects should understand #sqbObjectID and #sqbObject" | sssn | ^ [aConnection connect. sssn := aConnection getSession. aConnection inTransactionMode ifFalse: [aConnection begin]. sssn prepare: (String streamContents: [:strm | strm nextPutAll: ('INSERT INTO <1s> ( SQBOID , SQBOBJ) VALUES (:sqbObjectID ,:sqbObject)' expandMacrosWith: self sqbTablename)]). sssn bindInput: anObject. sssn execute. sssn answer] ensure: [aConnection commit. aConnection disconnect] sqbInitialize: aConnection | aSession | aConnection disconnect; connect. aSession := aConnection getSession. aSession prepare: 'PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;'; execute; answer. aConnection inTransactionMode ifFalse: [aConnection begin]. aSession prepare: (String streamContents: [:strm | strm nextPutAll: 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '; nextPutAll: self sqbTablename; nextPutAll: ' '; nextPutAll: ' (SQBOID TEXT PRIMARY KEY ON CONFLICT IGNORE, SQBOBJ BLOB );']); execute; answer. aConnection commit. aConnection disconnect sqbConnection: conn retrieveOID: sqbObjectID "The SQL should use 'ID' but not ID SELECT SQBOID, SQBOBJ FROM Table WHERE SQBOID = 'ID' " ^self sqbConnection: conn retrieve: [:strm | strm nextPutAll: ('SELECT SQBOID, SQBOBJ FROM <1s> WHERE SQBOID = <2p>' expandMacrosWith: self sqbTablename with: sqbObjectID)] Best Regards, empt _______________________________________________ vwnc mailing list [hidden email] http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/mailman/listinfo/vwnc |
OK, I found a simple way that just works, that is changing all INSERT into INSERT OR REPLACE.
On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 10:51 PM, Jim Guo <[hidden email]> wrote:
-- Best Regards, Jim G _______________________________________________ vwnc mailing list [hidden email] http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/mailman/listinfo/vwnc |
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