I got this error loading a class variable definition:
Unhandled exception: Message not understood: #isMeta
[1] Store.DatumDescriptor(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand:
[2] Store.DatumDescriptor(Store.PseudoRecord)>>myClass
[3] optimized [] in Store.Package>>doSourceLoadData:
It is easily fixed by changing this method below to ask 'cls isMeta', an override of #myClass by DatumDescriptor, or DatumDescriptor (and PseudoRecord) implementing #isMeta.
"Give a class name answer a class."
| cls |
cls := self fullClassName asClassNameOnly asStrictReference valueOrDo: [ ^nil ].
self isMeta ifTrue: [ cls := cls class ].
This is a VW 7.5 image, so the bug is probably already fixed. I thought I'd pass this along just in case.
Paul Baumann
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