[vwnc] VW7.6 bug: create accessors (and other refactorings?) ignores StORE preferences

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[vwnc] VW7.6 bug: create accessors (and other refactorings?) ignores StORE preferences

A slightly enhanced repeat of a previous bug post:

I have my StORE preferences set to create new methods in the same
package as their class.  This preference is ignored by the "create
acccessors..." tool in the instance variables pane in the refactoring
browser.  Instead they are placed in the "current package".  I believe
this happens with all refactorings (like extract method) that create

Another example: creating a class with an initialize method, accessors,
or subclass responsibilities places all of these methods in the "current

To exercise these bugs:

1) In the settings tool go to Store->Default Package and in the new
method dropdown pick "Class package"

2) Select package A and make it the current pacakge

3) Select package B, select a class in that package and create accessors
for one of its instance variables.  Note that the accessors are created
in package A.

4) In the same package (B), use the extract method refactoring on a
method.  Note that the extracted method is created in package A.

5) In the same package (B), create a new class using the class pane
context menu's "New Class..." option.  Give the class a name, enable
"accessors" and "initializers"  and give the class a couple of i-vars.
Press OK.  The class is created in package B but the initiailize and
accessor methods are all created in package A.

These bugs make it very tedious to use the refactoring tools on a class
that isn't in the "current package."


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Re: [vwnc] VW7.6 bug: create accessors (and other refactorings?) ignores StORE preferences

Andres Valloud-6
AR 58910...

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On
Behalf Of C. David Shaffer
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 6:29 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [vwnc] VW7.6 bug: create accessors (and other refactorings?)
ignores StORE preferences

A slightly enhanced repeat of a previous bug post:

I have my StORE preferences set to create new methods in the same
package as their class.  This preference is ignored by the "create
acccessors..." tool in the instance variables pane in the refactoring
browser.  Instead they are placed in the "current package".  I believe
this happens with all refactorings (like extract method) that create

Another example: creating a class with an initialize method, accessors,
or subclass responsibilities places all of these methods in the "current

To exercise these bugs:

1) In the settings tool go to Store->Default Package and in the new
method dropdown pick "Class package"

2) Select package A and make it the current pacakge

3) Select package B, select a class in that package and create accessors
for one of its instance variables.  Note that the accessors are created
in package A.

4) In the same package (B), use the extract method refactoring on a
method.  Note that the extracted method is created in package A.

5) In the same package (B), create a new class using the class pane
context menu's "New Class..." option.  Give the class a name, enable
"accessors" and "initializers"  and give the class a couple of i-vars.
Press OK.  The class is created in package B but the initiailize and
accessor methods are all created in package A.

These bugs make it very tedious to use the refactoring tools on a class
that isn't in the "current package."


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