deleting a cookie in Seaside is done the following way:
WAResponse>>deleteCookieAt: key
"Delete the cookie in the browser"
self addCookie: ((WACookie key: key value: '')
expireIn: (Duration days: -10000);
if a German locale is installed, the cookie is marshaled by
SetCookieValue>>expiresPrintString the following way:
print: GMTSeconds
using: 'ddd, dd mmm yyyy hh:mm:ss GMT'
resulting in:
Set-cookie: MyCookie=;expires=di, 28 Okt 1980 11:53:14 GMT;path=/
Because the cookie date format is wrong, Firefox doesn't delete
the cookie. And when the cookie happens to be the session cookie,
"WAApplication>>handleRequest:" will response with a redirect to the
application url itself. Luckily, Firefox gives up after a few redirects.
My preliminary fix looks like this:
"Return a properly formatted date string using GMT."
| GMTSeconds policy |
GMTSeconds := Timestamp fromSeconds:
(TimeZone reference convertLocalSecondsToGMT:
self expires asSeconds).
policy := TimestampPrintPolicy formatTokensFor:
'ddd, dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss GMT'.
^(Locale named: #C) timePolicy print: GMTSeconds policy: policy
(storing the policy somewhere would be even better ;)
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