[vwnc] debugging a vw7.4 vm on windows

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[vwnc] debugging a vw7.4 vm on windows

Steve Whitson
I'm looking for some help debugging a vw7.4 vm on windows xp.  I need to provide steps to produce a stack, and possibly even more if possible.

I recall steps for vw2.5 using vnntprint.dll and then in VS6 hitting 'Shift F9', and entering dumpAllToFile(1) -> recalculate, dumpALlToFile(0) -> recalculate...

These steps don't appear to work in 7.4 (in my crash test before handing off to customer).

I also tried the "-x" command line flag using the debug provided oe (in bin/win/debug), but it only seems to provide a stack file if I use -xq, and then only if I exit the image, not when I do a test crash.

In the readme.txt file (.../bin/win) it says:

Using the VisualWorks Debug Object Engines

Updated information about and instructions for using the debug
engines for all platforms is maintained at:

Please refer to this web site for information about these engines.

This is quite old, and that wiki hasn't been around for a while.  Where is the new source for this knowledge?

Any help is greatly appreciated,

vwnc mailing list
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Re: [vwnc] debugging a vw7.4 vm on windows

James Robertson-7

I posted that to my blog recently

James Robertson
Cincom Smalltalk Product Evangelist
Talk Small and Carry a Big Class Library

On Oct 15, 2009, at 6:18 PM, Steve Whitson wrote:

I'm looking for some help debugging a vw7.4 vm on windows xp.  I need to provide steps to produce a stack, and possibly even more if possible.

I recall steps for vw2.5 using vnntprint.dll and then in VS6 hitting 'Shift F9', and entering dumpAllToFile(1) -> recalculate, dumpALlToFile(0) -> recalculate...

These steps don't appear to work in 7.4 (in my crash test before handing off to customer).

I also tried the "-x" command line flag using the debug provided oe (in bin/win/debug), but it only seems to provide a stack file if I use -xq, and then only if I exit the image, not when I do a test crash.

In the readme.txt file (.../bin/win) it says:

Using the VisualWorks Debug Object Engines

Updated information about and instructions for using the debug
engines for all platforms is maintained at:

Please refer to this web site for information about these engines.

This is quite old, and that wiki hasn't been around for a while.  Where is the new source for this knowledge?

Any help is greatly appreciated,

vwnc mailing list
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