Hi all,
We made an email to inform software engineering enthusiasts about Esug'08. (looking at the program, we think esug'08 will become very interesting) If you know any person/mailinglist/blog you would like to inform too, feel free and use the Esug-announcement email below. (One is in English, the other is in Dutch) These lists/groups will already receive an email from us: - EAPLS - IvI (UvA) - cwi-all - IPA list - se-world - University Delft - Holland open source - Meta-user list - Viewpoints FONC - Rubyenrails.nl - Xp-nl list - Squeak list - Weekly Squeak - VisualWork NC list - University Twente Thanks, Mathieu van Echtelt Tijs van der Storm (local esug08 organizers) English version: ---- [Apologies for multiple copies] Dear software engineer, End of August, a unique conference will take place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. This conference is organized by the European Smalltalk User Group (ESUG). Smalltalk (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smalltalk) is a dynamic and reflective language exercising a continuing influence on historic and current developments in programming languages and software technology. This year celebrates the 16th edition of the ESUG conference, which features more than 40 presentations on, among others, the following subjects: Programming Language Platforms: - Newspeak (New open source dynamic language focusing on modularity, security and interoperability) - Cog (New highly optimized open source Squeak VM) - Maglev (Highly scalable Ruby VM) - OpenCroquet (Deeply collaborative, multi-user online Smalltalk development environment) Web Frameworks: - Seaside (The continuation & component-based web framework) - WebVelocity - AidaWeb (Smalltalk Web Application Server) - WebTerminal Model Driven Engineering: - The Meta Environment Language Workbench - ObjectStudio ModelingTool - Fame; Meta-modeling Framework - MBA Smalltalk; to manage your objects Additionally, the winners of the ABN Amro sponsored Innovation Awards will be presented. Are you interested in the latest developments in dynamic languages and Web development, be sure to register as soon as possible at http://www.esug.org. Important information: Conference website: http://www.esug.org/conferences/16thinternationalsmalltalkjointconference2008/ Time: Augustus 25-29, 2008 Venue: Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI), Kruislaan 413, Amsterdam, Turing Zaal. Directions: http://www.cwi.nl/about/directions.html Hope to see you at ESUG'08! Kind regards [put your name here] Dutch Version: --- (excuses voor meervoudige kopieen) Beste software engineer, Eind augustus vind er unieke conferentie plaats in Amsterdam. Deze wordt georganiseerd door de Europese Smalltalk gebruikersgroep (ESUG). Smalltalk (http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smalltalk) is een dynamische en reflexieve programmeertaal met een groot verleden en veel invloed op de huidige en toekomstige ontwikkeling van programmeertalen en technologien. Dit jaar is alweer de 16e ESUG conferentie en zullen er ruim 40 presentaties zijn met onder andere de volgende onderwerpen: Programming language platforms: - Newspeak (New open source dynamic language focusing on modularity, security and interoperability) - Cog (New highly optimized open source Squeak VM) - Maglev (Highly scalable Ruby VM) - OpenCroquet (Deeply collaborative, multi-user online Smalltalk development environment) Web Frameworks: - Seaside (The continuation & component-based web framework) - WebVelocity - AidaWeb (Smalltalk Web Application Server) - WebTerminal Model Driven Engineering: - The Meta Environment Language Workbench - ObjectStudio ModelingTool - Fame; Meta-modeling Framework - MBA Smalltalk; to manage your objects Ook zullen er Innovation Awards worden uitgereikt (gesponsord door de ABN Amro). Ben je geinteresseerd in de laatste ontwikkelingen van dynamische programmeertalen en webdevelopment, schrijf je dan zo snel mogelijk in op http://www.esug.org. Belangrijk informatie: Conferentie website: http://www.esug.org/conferences/16thinternationalsmalltalkjointconference2008/ Wanneer: Augustus 25-29, 2008 Waar: Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI), Kruislaan 413, Amsterdam, Turing Zaal. Routebeschrijving zie: http://www.cwi.nl/about/directions.html Hopelijk tot ziens op ESUG'08! Vriendelijke groet, [put your name here] _______________________________________________ vwnc mailing list [hidden email] http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/mailman/listinfo/vwnc |
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