2008/1/18, Oleg Korsak <
[hidden email]>:
> Hello! Maybe this is wrong place to ask my question but I'll try ;)
> So I need to create a simple web portal with ability to upload files (not
> into the image file, but on the disk),
> and get a connection to the PostgreSQL database.
> 1) Which packages do I need to have for PostgreSQL? For example I need to
> have a forum with much records...
You need the PostgreSQL Client (V2). If you want MD5 hash
authentication you'll need to load the Cryptography package first from
You can get the PostgreS driver via Monticello from:
location: '
http://www.squeaksource.com/PostgresV2' user: ''
password: ''
If you have some load you'll want to look into making PGConnection >>
#buildDefaultFieldConverters thread safe.
> 2) Is there any documentation for using PostgreSQL in squeak?
Follow the wiki on
http://www.squeaksource.com/PostgresV2.html> 3) How can I do file uploadings to HDD, and not to the image?
http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/seaside/2007-August/013708.htmlhttp://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/seaside/2007-August/013768.htmlThis is unsupported (mainly because it's not portable). Depending on
the size and amount of you uploads, you might want to consider
implementing this part in something more robust like PHP.
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