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Hi hans

imagine that you have an image with a program composed of several classes. One of which is the starting point of your application
let us call it BibManager (this is an app managing bib entries for example).

This class should have methods to start processing bib
    importFiles (interactive = prompt the
    saveNewBibFile (interactive)

then to invoke you application you can do the following

./pharo-vm myImageWithBibManager -eval 'BibManager new importFiles'

(check the command line option and read the deep into pharo ZeroConfig chapter)

you could also define a startUp method on the class side of BibManager that executes
    BibManager new importFiles

or you can (if you have a UI) you can open it,
    BibManagerUI new openInWorld
    save the image and when launch the image your UI will be open and ready to use.

Hans does it make sense to you?

Hello Mr. Ducasse ,

i have a complete program of Class and methods smalltalk 80 hardcopy.

The principles of Objects are understandable.

But to SAVE the image as a different program image and also RUN is a problem i dont understand yet.

When i klick the program exe the image open and normally the fullscreen program window will appear.

Are there any instructions how to "prepare" the packages and classes for starting ?



PS. I have many books about smalltalk 80.

      At this time i only want to make a very simple program for calculation to RUN.