wikiserver 1.4.4 promo codes

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wikiserver 1.4.4 promo codes

Apple approved WikiServer 1.4.4 for sale on the App store yesterday,  
as usual they have handed
us another 50 USA promo codes, so if there are people on the list that  
would like one or two, please
email me, not the list, a request.

I note these are for USA itunes customers, but there are ways for  
people to create a new dummy
itunes USA account with out supplying credit card information to  
redeem the promo code then
install the app on your device for a month of free usage.

Since we now support the ability to export the wiki data and run on a  
desktop version it's easy to preserve
any data for later importing into a purchased version.
John M. McIntosh <[hidden email]>   Twitter:  
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.

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Re: [squeak-dev] wikiserver 1.4.4 promo codes

On 8-Aug-09, at 7:20 PM, Lawson English wrote:
> John have you considered cashing in on the iPhone craze by writing a  
> book on how to program the iphone using Squeak?
> L

Ah, my friends who write books tell me it's a tedious process and  
generally results in zero or negative income.
There are a few I know who have been wildly successful, but I"m afraid  
the topic won't sell much copy.

However I will talk about the process at ESUG in Sept,
and again at the XTC group in London the week after

John M. McIntosh <[hidden email]>   Twitter:  
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.

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Re: Re: [squeak-dev] wikiserver 1.4.4 promo codes

> However I will talk about the process at ESUG in Sept,

excellent !

I would love a workshop too. Is it possible ?

I know there are ObjectiveC bindings but are there bindings for the
iphone API ? Maybe a camp project is possible in relation to iphone
dev in smalltalk...


> and again at the XTC group in London the week after
> --
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> John M. McIntosh <[hidden email]>   Twitter:  squeaker68882
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Re: Re: [squeak-dev] wikiserver 1.4.4 promo codes


On 11-Aug-09, at 4:53 AM, Cédrick Béler wrote:

>> However I will talk about the process at ESUG in Sept,
> excellent !
> I would love a workshop too. Is it possible ?
> I know there are ObjectiveC bindings but are there bindings for the
> iphone API ? Maybe a camp project is possible in relation to iphone
> dev in smalltalk...

The iPhone API is obj-c , I don't have an FFI api for the iPhone so  
core foundation procedures get wrapped in the
application's delegate obj-c api when I need to deal with them.

Take a listen to James Robertson Industry Misinterpretations 140:  
OBjective Seas

The objective-c api use hangs a proxy ObjectiveCObject off of  
ProtoObject which was a *lot* of fun...

Then DNU is dynamically handled at run time to resolve into the best  
method of calling the method.
There are many ways to make the call in the objective-c runtime so we  
resolve which to use based
on the parms (if any) and return type (if any).

This does not preclude bulding subclasses, like say  
which provide more static binding to the api.

However the problem with building the static binding is someone has to  
maintain it when Apple
changes the API version, and how do you test it all etc.  Obviously if  
someone wants to fund that?

I note I think it was Avi who did an earlier objective-c bridge and  
did provide I'd guess generated
classes to do binding to much of the core obj-c classes for os-x.

After you listen to the MP3 then you can let us which type of  
objective-c bridge I have implemented
according to CinCom

John M. McIntosh <[hidden email]>   Twitter:  
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.

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