On Tue, 8 Feb 2011, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
> On Feb 8, 2011, at 12:12 AM, Markus Schlager wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm currently teaching smalltalk with pharo1.1 on Linux to pupils (10th grade). Some of them are experiencing the following problem:
>> After reopening their pharo-image none of the windows left open before
>> nor the window-flap at the bottom are responsive to mouse-clicks.
>> Wherever you're clicking on, the world-menu shows up. You can open new
>> system windows though. These will behave nicely.
> I saw this kind of behavior and I do not remember if it was fixed.
>> Is there any way to reactivate the old system-windows and the flap?
> Not from the top of my head.
Today this happened again to one of my pupils. Hence I have such an image
and changes available if this might be helpful.
> Let us know if you have problem and tell us what you are teaching to them.
It's a course on object-oriented modelling an programming. We did the
introduction to modelling concepts with Etoys. If you're reading German
you can find my materials here:
http://www.lsh-marquartstein.de/schule/unterricht/faecher/informatik/unterrichtsmaterial/info10/info10_OOP_schlager.pdfAnd the ProfStefTutorial (still under construction):