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4.0 install fails

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4.0 install fails

Nick Payne-2
4 posts
I'm trying to install DolphinSmalltalkProfessional.msi on a Sony notebook
(Celeron 333, 128Mb RAM) running Windows 2000 SP1. I go through the initial
install screens to agree to the license and select the install location, and
at the point where the dialog with progress bar for the file copying
appears, I get a dialog containing Try Again and Cancel buttons and with the
text "The system cannot open the device or file specified". Try Again gets
nowhere - the dialog just appears again and again until I select Cancel.

I had a look in MS Technet and there is only one reference to this message
text as one of the NT4 Terminal Server error messages, with no explanation
of what it actually means.

Any suggestions on things to try to enable me to install Dolphin 4?


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Re: 4.0 install fails

Nick Payne-2
4 posts
I also ran MSIEXEC /i dolphinsmalltalkprofessional.msi /le dolphin4.log, to
force logging of all error messages, reproduced the error, and *nothing* was
written to the error log, so it looks as though the error message is not
coming from the installer itself...


"Nick Payne" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> I'm trying to install DolphinSmalltalkProfessional.msi on a Sony notebook
> (Celeron 333, 128Mb RAM) running Windows 2000 SP1. I go through the
> install screens to agree to the license and select the install location,
> at the point where the dialog with progress bar for the file copying
> appears, I get a dialog containing Try Again and Cancel buttons and with

> text "The system cannot open the device or file specified". Try Again gets
> nowhere - the dialog just appears again and again until I select Cancel.
> I had a look in MS Technet and there is only one reference to this message
> text as one of the NT4 Terminal Server error messages, with no explanation
> of what it actually means.
> Any suggestions on things to try to enable me to install Dolphin 4?
> Nick

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Re: 4.0 install fails

Andy Bower
550 posts

How are you logged on to Windows 2k? You must be a "Power User" or
"Administrator" to install Dolphin under Windows 2000.

Best regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support

Visit the Dolphin Smalltalk Wiki Web

"Nick Payne" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> I also ran MSIEXEC /i dolphinsmalltalkprofessional.msi /le dolphin4.log,
> force logging of all error messages, reproduced the error, and *nothing*
> written to the error log, so it looks as though the error message is not
> coming from the installer itself...
> Nick
> "Nick Payne" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> news:[hidden email]...
> > I'm trying to install DolphinSmalltalkProfessional.msi on a Sony
> > (Celeron 333, 128Mb RAM) running Windows 2000 SP1. I go through the
> initial
> > install screens to agree to the license and select the install location,
> and
> > at the point where the dialog with progress bar for the file copying
> > appears, I get a dialog containing Try Again and Cancel buttons and with
> the
> > text "The system cannot open the device or file specified". Try Again
> > nowhere - the dialog just appears again and again until I select Cancel.
> >
> > I had a look in MS Technet and there is only one reference to this
> > text as one of the NT4 Terminal Server error messages, with no
> > of what it actually means.
> >
> > Any suggestions on things to try to enable me to install Dolphin 4?
> >
> > Nick
> >
> >

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Re: 4.0 install fails

Nick Payne-2
4 posts
I'm logged on as administrator. After sending my last message, I verified
that the windows installer was working correctly by changing the
configuration of Office 2000 to add a couple of extra text converters. That
worked ok. The last thing that I installed on this machine prior to Dolphin
4 was IE 5.5 SP1 a couple of weeks ago. That install completed ok.


"Andy Bower" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:8vt8i2$5nuqn$[hidden email]...

> Nick,
> How are you logged on to Windows 2k? You must be a "Power User" or
> "Administrator" to install Dolphin under Windows 2000.
> Best regards,
> Andy Bower
> Dolphin Support
> http://www.object-arts.com
> ---
> Visit the Dolphin Smalltalk Wiki Web
> http://www.object-arts.com/wiki/html/Dolphin/FrontPage.htm
> ---
> "Nick Payne" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> news:[hidden email]...
> > I also ran MSIEXEC /i dolphinsmalltalkprofessional.msi /le dolphin4.log,
> to
> > force logging of all error messages, reproduced the error, and *nothing*
> was
> > written to the error log, so it looks as though the error message is not
> > coming from the installer itself...
> >
> > Nick
> >
> > "Nick Payne" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> > news:[hidden email]...
> > > I'm trying to install DolphinSmalltalkProfessional.msi on a Sony
> notebook
> > > (Celeron 333, 128Mb RAM) running Windows 2000 SP1. I go through the
> > initial
> > > install screens to agree to the license and select the install
> > and
> > > at the point where the dialog with progress bar for the file copying
> > > appears, I get a dialog containing Try Again and Cancel buttons and
> > the
> > > text "The system cannot open the device or file specified". Try Again
> gets
> > > nowhere - the dialog just appears again and again until I select

> > >
> > > I had a look in MS Technet and there is only one reference to this
> message
> > > text as one of the NT4 Terminal Server error messages, with no
> explanation
> > > of what it actually means.
> > >
> > > Any suggestions on things to try to enable me to install Dolphin 4?
> > >
> > > Nick
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

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Re: 4.0 install fails

Blair McGlashan
1420 posts

You wrote in message news:[hidden email]...
> I'm logged on as administrator. After sending my last message, I verified
> that the windows installer was working correctly by changing the
> configuration of Office 2000 to add a couple of extra text converters.
> worked ok. The last thing that I installed on this machine prior to
> 4 was IE 5.5 SP1 a couple of weeks ago. That install completed ok.

Have you managed to resolve this now?

Richard Ronteltap has found that for some reason the System user account
requires access to the NTFS drive in order for the .msi to run. I don't know
if this is relevant.

