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Dolphin 4, installation fails

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Dolphin 4, installation fails

6 posts
I've just bought Dolphin 4, but installation of any *.msi package does not

I click through all the setup screens and the installation file copy
progress windows
appears for about 0.25 seconds.

Then it is replaced with the error:
    "The installer was interrupted before XXX could be installed.
    You need to run the installer again"

I'm running Windows 2000 SP1 with latest updates.

Does anyone else have this?

Thanks for any help,

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Re: Dolphin 4, installation fails

Steve Waring-2
81 posts
Hi Richard,

Everything went smoothly for me, installing v4 professional on a w200k SP1

Just a stab in the dark, but I recently had trouble with the ms installer. I
was installing something from the microsoft web site, and the installation
aborted half way through. It was one of those 100mb downloads, and I gave up
on it. A week or so later when I went to install something else, I got a
cyrptic message similar to yours, and from memory I had to use the "control
panel/add remove programs", to remove the original aborted installation,
before I could install the new program.


"zzz" <[hidden email]> wrote in message news:8veqvf$g34$[hidden email]...

> I've just bought Dolphin 4, but installation of any *.msi package does not
> work.
> I click through all the setup screens and the installation file copy
> progress windows
> appears for about 0.25 seconds.
> Then it is replaced with the error:
>     "The installer was interrupted before XXX could be installed.
>     You need to run the installer again"
> I'm running Windows 2000 SP1 with latest updates.
> Does anyone else have this?
> Thanks for any help,
> Richard

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Re: Dolphin 4, installation fails, solved, kinda

6 posts
"Steve Waring" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:w1DS5.141535$[hidden email]...
> Hi Richard,
> Just a stab in the dark,

Thanks for the quick reply, but it was something else.

The solution is _not_ to put the *.msi files on a secured NTFS drive, but on
a FAT drive.
I did not experiment it with it too much. Maybe relaxing security on the
NTFS would have worked too.
Probably a Microsoft problem.

One for the support base, Andy.
Now checking out what's new!


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Re: Dolphin 4, installation fails, solved, kinda

Bob Jarvis
83 posts
In article <8vf11v$j34$[hidden email]>,
  "zzz" <[hidden email]> wrote:
> "Steve Waring" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> news:w1DS5.141535$[hidden email]...
> > Hi Richard,
> >
> > Just a stab in the dark,
> Thanks for the quick reply, but it was something else.
> The solution is _not_ to put the *.msi files on a secured NTFS drive,
but on
> a FAT drive.
> I did not experiment it with it too much. Maybe relaxing security on
> NTFS would have worked too.
> Probably a Microsoft problem.

FWIW, I installed from an NTFS drive and all went well.  I don't know
if it matters but I'm a local admin on this machine, and had created
the files I was installing from.  This under NT4 sp6a.
Bob Jarvis
Compuware @ Timken

Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.

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Re: Dolphin 4, installation fails, cause found

6 posts
For people who still have installation problems:

I found out that the installation fails, if *.msi is not accessible by the
SYSTEM user account.
This can occur only, of course, under NT/W2000, if the *.msi file is on a
NTFS drive.

I can only verify the problem on Windows 2000, SP1. Could occur in NT too.

Workaround: Give the SYSTEM account access to the *.msi files.

Have fun,