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Gemstone 3106 with Pier and crawler

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Gemstone 3106 with Pier and crawler

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts

        i have a Gemstone environment with Seaside and Pier framework.

        The Gemstone stone and the relative Fast-CGI service is managed by Daemontools.

        Everything works for a few years.

        It's been a few days since the home server is continuously submitted to requests (one every 5 seconds) made by ip  ( a crawler ?! )

        Now it happens that in some situations the service relative to Fast-CGI go down but is not managed ( restart )from daemontools.

        These are the daemontool service entry
                /etc/service/gs_seaside-9060: up (pid 25393) 142648 seconds
                /etc/service/gs_seaside-9061: up (pid 7106) 15059 seconds
                /etc/service/gs_seaside-9062: up (pid 20118) 194917 seconds

        Every  Fast-CGI service create 3 entry.

        I report the 9062 entry with: lsof -n -i -P | grep 20118

                topaz     20118 dario    6u  IPv6 236275      0t0  TCP [::1]:40117->[::1]:42453 (ESTABLISHED)
                topaz     20118 dario    8u  IPv6 236276      0t0  TCP [::1]:40503->[::1]:43399 (ESTABLISHED)
                topaz     20118 dario   12u  IPv4 236281      0t0  TCP *:9062 (LISTEN)

        When the 20118  Fast-CGI IPv4 go down the :
                topaz     20118 dario    6u  IPv6 236275      0t0  TCP [::1]:40117->[::1]:42453 (ESTABLISHED)
                topaz     20118 dario    8u  IPv6 236276      0t0  TCP [::1]:40503->[::1]:43399 (ESTABLISHED)

        remain active and therefore i believe that the daemontools does not consider service ( 20118 ) to be dead.

        But the web request ( when all the Fast-CGI are down )is not managed by any  TCP *:906[ 0 - 2 ]  (LISTEN) because all are down.

        Any idea about it?

        Another question:

        i can intercept the requests made by before creating the related WASessions and replying ...????....  - do not reply?

        Thanks for every consideration,

Glass mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Gemstone 3106 with Pier and crawler

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
You can block the IP with nginx (or apache if you're using it) if you want:


and I'm sure you could google an article that covers how to do it with

For the "daemontools thinks its working but its really not" problem you
could add an additional daemontools monitored process that checks a url that
is served by each fastcgi process e.g. every 30 seconds or so and then kill
the gem if it returns the wrong thing.

GLASS mailing list wrote

> Ciao,
> i have a Gemstone environment with Seaside and Pier framework.
> The Gemstone stone and the relative Fast-CGI service is managed by
> Daemontools.
> Everything works for a few years.
> It's been a few days since the home server is continuously submitted to
> requests (one every 5 seconds) made by ip  ( a crawler ?! )
> Now it happens that in some situations the service relative to Fast-CGI
> go down but is not managed ( restart )from daemontools.
> These are the daemontool service entry
> /etc/service/gs_seaside-9060: up (pid 25393) 142648 seconds
> /etc/service/gs_seaside-9061: up (pid 7106) 15059 seconds
> /etc/service/gs_seaside-9062: up (pid 20118) 194917 seconds
> Every  Fast-CGI service create 3 entry.
> I report the 9062 entry with: lsof -n -i -P | grep 20118
> topaz     20118 dario    6u  IPv6 236275      0t0  TCP
> [::1]:40117->[::1]:42453 (ESTABLISHED)
> topaz     20118 dario    8u  IPv6 236276      0t0  TCP
> [::1]:40503->[::1]:43399 (ESTABLISHED)
> topaz     20118 dario   12u  IPv4 236281      0t0  TCP *:9062 (LISTEN)
> When the 20118  Fast-CGI IPv4 go down the :
> topaz     20118 dario    6u  IPv6 236275      0t0  TCP
> [::1]:40117->[::1]:42453 (ESTABLISHED)
> topaz     20118 dario    8u  IPv6 236276      0t0  TCP
> [::1]:40503->[::1]:43399 (ESTABLISHED)
> remain active and therefore i believe that the daemontools does not
> consider service ( 20118 ) to be dead.
> But the web request ( when all the Fast-CGI are down )is not managed by
> any  TCP *:906[ 0 - 2 ]  (LISTEN) because all are down.
> Any idea about it?
> Another question:
> i can intercept the requests made by before creating the
> related WASessions and replying ...????....  - do not reply?
> Thanks for every consideration,
> Dario
> _______________________________________________
> Glass mailing list

> Glass@.gemtalksystems

> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass

Sent from: http://forum.world.st/GLASS-f1460844.html
Glass mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Gemstone 3106 with Pier and crawler

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
Ciao, thanks.

> You can block the IP with nginx (or apache if you're using it) if you want:
> https://help.dreamhost.com/hc/en-us/articles/216456127-Blocking-IPs-with-Nginx
> and I'm sure you could google an article that covers how to do it with
> Apache.  

        OK, i use Lighttpd server and i found the relative data entry to do it.

        Would it be interesting, at a first level,

                to directly manage the request in Seaside without having to restart the web server?

> For the "daemontools thinks its working but its really not" problem you
> could add an additional daemontools monitored process that checks a url that
> is served by each fastcgi process e.g. every 30 seconds or so and then kill
> the gem if it returns the wrong thing.

        Are you saying that as I configured the system does not work?

        When the system has been subjected to a greater load of requests, everything is degraded!

        Does anyone have a Gemstone Pier site with a certain load of requests?

> GLASS mailing list wrote
>> Ciao,
>> i have a Gemstone environment with Seaside and Pier framework.
>> The Gemstone stone and the relative Fast-CGI service is managed by
>> Daemontools.
>> Everything works for a few years.
>> It's been a few days since the home server is continuously submitted to
>> requests (one every 5 seconds) made by ip  ( a crawler ?! )
>> Now it happens that in some situations the service relative to Fast-CGI
>> go down but is not managed ( restart )from daemontools.
>> These are the daemontool service entry
>> /etc/service/gs_seaside-9060: up (pid 25393) 142648 seconds
>> /etc/service/gs_seaside-9061: up (pid 7106) 15059 seconds
>> /etc/service/gs_seaside-9062: up (pid 20118) 194917 seconds
>> Every  Fast-CGI service create 3 entry.
>> I report the 9062 entry with: lsof -n -i -P | grep 20118
>> topaz     20118 dario    6u  IPv6 236275      0t0  TCP
>> [::1]:40117->[::1]:42453 (ESTABLISHED)
>> topaz     20118 dario    8u  IPv6 236276      0t0  TCP
>> [::1]:40503->[::1]:43399 (ESTABLISHED)
>> topaz     20118 dario   12u  IPv4 236281      0t0  TCP *:9062 (LISTEN)
>> When the 20118  Fast-CGI IPv4 go down the :
>> topaz     20118 dario    6u  IPv6 236275      0t0  TCP
>> [::1]:40117->[::1]:42453 (ESTABLISHED)
>> topaz     20118 dario    8u  IPv6 236276      0t0  TCP
>> [::1]:40503->[::1]:43399 (ESTABLISHED)
>> remain active and therefore i believe that the daemontools does not
>> consider service ( 20118 ) to be dead.

        So this consideration is true?

>> But the web request ( when all the Fast-CGI are down )is not managed by
>> any  TCP *:906[ 0 - 2 ]  (LISTEN) because all are down.
>> Any idea about it?
>> Another question:
>> i can intercept the requests made by before creating the
>> related WASessions and replying ...????....  - do not reply?



Glass mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Gemstone 3106 with Pier and crawler

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
Hi Dario,

GLASS mailing list wrote

> Ciao, thanks.
>> You can block the IP with nginx (or apache if you're using it) if you
>> want:
>> https://help.dreamhost.com/hc/en-us/articles/216456127-Blocking-IPs-with-Nginx
>> and I'm sure you could google an article that covers how to do it with
>> Apache.  
> OK, i use Lighttpd server and i found the relative data entry to do it.
> Would it be interesting, at a first level,
> to directly manage the request in Seaside without having to restart the
> web server?

I'm sure there is but I don't know exactly where and why you'd want Seaside
checking every request to see if its from an IP if the webserver can do it
faster.  I'd probably start looking in WAServerAdaptor to figure out how.  

GLASS mailing list wrote

>> For the "daemontools thinks its working but its really not" problem you
>> could add an additional daemontools monitored process that checks a url
>> that
>> is served by each fastcgi process e.g. every 30 seconds or so and then
>> kill
>> the gem if it returns the wrong thing.
> Are you saying that as I configured the system does not work?
> When the system has been subjected to a greater load of requests,
> everything is degraded!
> Does anyone have a Gemstone Pier site with a certain load of requests?

I just think sometimes there are errors in the gems that aren't enough to
kill them, so daemontools doesn't know they're faulty, but the gem
would/could still benefit from a restart.  It should be able to handle the
extra load as what you've described isn't much

I'm not sure why performance was degraded.  Are you using SSDs ? Did you run
out of disk where you're storing stats or tranlogs?

GLASS mailing list wrote

>> GLASS mailing list wrote
>>> Ciao,
>>> i have a Gemstone environment with Seaside and Pier framework.
>>> The Gemstone stone and the relative Fast-CGI service is managed by
>>> Daemontools.
>>> Everything works for a few years.
>>> It's been a few days since the home server is continuously submitted to
>>> requests (one every 5 seconds) made by ip  ( a crawler ?! )
>>> Now it happens that in some situations the service relative to Fast-CGI
>>> go down but is not managed ( restart )from daemontools.
>>> These are the daemontool service entry
>>> /etc/service/gs_seaside-9060: up (pid 25393) 142648 seconds
>>> /etc/service/gs_seaside-9061: up (pid 7106) 15059 seconds
>>> /etc/service/gs_seaside-9062: up (pid 20118) 194917 seconds
>>> Every  Fast-CGI service create 3 entry.
>>> I report the 9062 entry with: lsof -n -i -P | grep 20118
>>> topaz     20118 dario    6u  IPv6 236275      0t0  TCP
>>> [::1]:40117->[::1]:42453 (ESTABLISHED)
>>> topaz     20118 dario    8u  IPv6 236276      0t0  TCP
>>> [::1]:40503->[::1]:43399 (ESTABLISHED)
>>> topaz     20118 dario   12u  IPv4 236281      0t0  TCP *:9062 (LISTEN)
>>> When the 20118  Fast-CGI IPv4 go down the :
>>> topaz     20118 dario    6u  IPv6 236275      0t0  TCP
>>> [::1]:40117->[::1]:42453 (ESTABLISHED)
>>> topaz     20118 dario    8u  IPv6 236276      0t0  TCP
>>> [::1]:40503->[::1]:43399 (ESTABLISHED)
>>> remain active and therefore i believe that the daemontools does not
>>> consider service ( 20118 ) to be dead.
> So this consideration is true?

Yes I think you're right.  Daemontools just makes sure the gem process is
running, not whether the gem can handle tcp connections (or do anything else
for that matter).  

Hope this helps.

GLASS mailing list wrote

>>> But the web request ( when all the Fast-CGI are down )is not managed by
>>> any  TCP *:906[ 0 - 2 ]  (LISTEN) because all are down.
>>> Any idea about it?
>>> Another question:
>>> i can intercept the requests made by before creating
>>> the
>>> related WASessions and replying ...????....  - do not reply?
> Thanks,
> Dario
> _______________________________________________
> Glass mailing list

> Glass@.gemtalksystems

> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass

Sent from: http://forum.world.st/GLASS-f1460844.html
Glass mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Gemstone 3106 with Pier and crawler

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
the  FASTCGI daemon_server-9060.log report:
topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> [5621550081 sz:5 cls: 135169 GsFile] aGsFile
topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> daemon Server started on port 9060
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
-----------  Unreportable ERROR Encountered: 2018-10-30T11:32:50.57347202301025+01:00a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2364), The object aGsSocket that has some associated session state has lost that transient state. Examples of classes that use session state are GsSocket and GsFile.-----------
-----------  Unreportable ERROR Encountered: 2018-10-30T11:32:51.41707491874695+01:00a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2364), The object aGsSocket that has some associated session state has lost that transient state. Examples of classes that use session state are GsSocket and GsFile.-----------
-----------  Unreportable ERROR Encountered: 2018-10-30T11:32:52.14350891113281+01:00a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2364), The object aGsSocket that has some associated session state has lost that transient state. Examples of classes that use session state are GsSocket and GsFile.-----------
-----------  Unreportable ERROR Encountered: 2018-10-30T11:32:52.95211100578308+01:00a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2364), The object aGsSocket that has some associated session state has lost that transient state. Examples of classes that use session state are GsSocket and GsFile.-----------
-----------  Unreportable ERROR Encountered: 2018-10-30T11:32:54.54405093193054+01:00a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2364), The object aGsSocket that has some associated session state has lost that transient state. Examples of classes that use session state are GsSocket and GsFile.-----------

In the GLASS mailing list i found:

[1] http://forum.world.st/Glass-Fastcgi-Socket-issues-td4816974.html

At a certain point we read:

Maybe the heavy load makes it reproduce it because it's only when the SPC gets full enough to flush the GsSocket instance to disk...

And I think it's the problem I had when the crawler made many requests, and the system is degraded. 

Now as I write this email, the system has created 32 new WASessions in one minute and the system is degraded again,

and i need to restart ( kill ) the Fastcgi daemon entry.

The solution for my old environment  Gemstone is to comment  the last lines **** of code in :

saveLogEntry: anObjectLogEntry shouldCommit: shouldCommit
"Does an abort and commit, if not already in transaction"
| stdout |
stdout := GsFile stdoutServer.
stdout nextPutAll: '----------- ', anObjectLogEntry labelString, ' LOG ENTRY: ', anObjectLogEntry objectString.
stdout nextPutAll: '-----------', DateAndTime now asString.
stdout cr.
stdout close.
"obi TODO"

"  ****shouldCommit  
ifTrue: [ self doTransaction: [ anObjectLogEntry addToLog ]]
ifFalse: [ anObjectLogEntry addToLog ]."

as reported at the end of [ 1 ] ?

Thanks for every consideration,


GLASS mailing list wrote
Ciao, thanks.

You can block the IP with nginx (or apache if you're using it) if you


and I'm sure you could google an article that covers how to do it with

OK, i use Lighttpd server and i found the relative data entry to do it.

Would it be interesting, at a first level,

to directly manage the request in Seaside without having to restart the
web server?

I'm sure there is but I don't know exactly where and why you'd want Seaside
checking every request to see if its from an IP if the webserver can do it
faster.  I'd probably start looking in WAServerAdaptor to figure out how.  

GLASS mailing list wrote

For the "daemontools thinks its working but its really not" problem you
could add an additional daemontools monitored process that checks a url
is served by each fastcgi process e.g. every 30 seconds or so and then
the gem if it returns the wrong thing.

Are you saying that as I configured the system does not work?

When the system has been subjected to a greater load of requests,
everything is degraded!

Does anyone have a Gemstone Pier site with a certain load of requests?

I just think sometimes there are errors in the gems that aren't enough to
kill them, so daemontools doesn't know they're faulty, but the gem
would/could still benefit from a restart.  It should be able to handle the
extra load as what you've described isn't much

I'm not sure why performance was degraded.  Are you using SSDs ? Did you run
out of disk where you're storing stats or tranlogs?

GLASS mailing list wrote

GLASS mailing list wrote

i have a Gemstone environment with Seaside and Pier framework.

The Gemstone stone and the relative Fast-CGI service is managed by

Everything works for a few years.

It's been a few days since the home server is continuously submitted to
requests (one every 5 seconds) made by ip  ( a crawler ?! )

Now it happens that in some situations the service relative to Fast-CGI
go down but is not managed ( restart )from daemontools.

These are the daemontool service entry
/etc/service/gs_seaside-9060: up (pid 25393) 142648 seconds
/etc/service/gs_seaside-9061: up (pid 7106) 15059 seconds
/etc/service/gs_seaside-9062: up (pid 20118) 194917 seconds

Every  Fast-CGI service create 3 entry.

I report the 9062 entry with: lsof -n -i -P | grep 20118

topaz     20118 dario    6u  IPv6 236275      0t0  TCP
[::1]:40117->[::1]:42453 (ESTABLISHED)
topaz     20118 dario    8u  IPv6 236276      0t0  TCP
[::1]:40503->[::1]:43399 (ESTABLISHED)
topaz     20118 dario   12u  IPv4 236281      0t0  TCP *:9062 (LISTEN)

When the 20118  Fast-CGI IPv4 go down the :

topaz     20118 dario    6u  IPv6 236275      0t0  TCP
[::1]:40117->[::1]:42453 (ESTABLISHED)
topaz     20118 dario    8u  IPv6 236276      0t0  TCP
[::1]:40503->[::1]:43399 (ESTABLISHED)

remain active and therefore i believe that the daemontools does not
consider service ( 20118 ) to be dead.

So this consideration is true?

Yes I think you're right.  Daemontools just makes sure the gem process is
running, not whether the gem can handle tcp connections (or do anything else
for that matter).  

Hope this helps.

GLASS mailing list wrote

But the web request ( when all the Fast-CGI are down )is not managed by
any  TCP *:906[ 0 - 2 ]  (LISTEN) because all are down.

Any idea about it?

Another question:

i can intercept the requests made by before creating
related WASessions and replying ...????....  - do not reply?



Glass mailing list



Sent from: http://forum.world.st/GLASS-f1460844.html
Glass mailing list
[hidden email]

Glass mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Gemstone 3106 with Pier and crawler

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
What version of Seaside are you running?


On 30 Oct 2018, at 15:57, Trussardi Dario Romano via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:

the  FASTCGI  daemon_server-9060.log report:
topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> [<a href="tel:5621550081" class="">5621550081 sz:5 cls: 135169 GsFile] aGsFile
topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> daemon Server started on port 9060
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
    <a href="tel:2285681153" class="">2285681153
    <a href="tel:2285750273" class="">2285750273
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
-----------  Unreportable ERROR Encountered: 2018-10-30T11:32:50.57347202301025+01:00a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2364), The object aGsSocket that has some associated session state has lost that transient state. Examples of classes that use session state are GsSocket and GsFile.-----------
-----------  Unreportable ERROR Encountered: 2018-10-30T11:32:51.41707491874695+01:00a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2364), The object aGsSocket that has some associated session state has lost that transient state. Examples of classes that use session state are GsSocket and GsFile.-----------
-----------  Unreportable ERROR Encountered: 2018-10-30T11:32:52.14350891113281+01:00a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2364), The object aGsSocket that has some associated session state has lost that transient state. Examples of classes that use session state are GsSocket and GsFile.-----------
-----------  Unreportable ERROR Encountered: 2018-10-30T11:32:52.95211100578308+01:00a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2364), The object aGsSocket that has some associated session state has lost that transient state. Examples of classes that use session state are GsSocket and GsFile.-----------
-----------  Unreportable ERROR Encountered: 2018-10-30T11:32:54.54405093193054+01:00a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2364), The object aGsSocket that has some associated session state has lost that transient state. Examples of classes that use session state are GsSocket and GsFile.-----------

In the GLASS mailing list i found:

[1] http://forum.world.st/Glass-Fastcgi-Socket-issues-td4816974.html

At a certain point we read:

Maybe the heavy load makes it reproduce it because it's only when the SPC gets full enough to flush the GsSocket instance to disk...

And I think it's the problem I had when the crawler made many requests, and the system is degraded. 

Now as I write this email, the system has created 32 new WASessions in one minute and the system is degraded again,

and i need to restart ( kill ) the Fastcgi daemon entry.

The solution for my old environment  Gemstone is to comment  the last lines **** of code in :

saveLogEntry: anObjectLogEntry shouldCommit: shouldCommit
"Does an abort and commit, if not already in transaction"
| stdout |
stdout := GsFile stdoutServer.
stdout nextPutAll: '----------- ', anObjectLogEntry labelString, ' LOG ENTRY: ', anObjectLogEntry objectString.
stdout nextPutAll: '-----------', DateAndTime now asString.
stdout cr.
stdout close.
"obi TODO"

"  ****shouldCommit  
ifTrue: [ self doTransaction: [ anObjectLogEntry addToLog ]]
ifFalse: [ anObjectLogEntry addToLog ]."

as reported at the end of [ 1 ] ?

Thanks for every consideration,


GLASS mailing list wrote
Ciao, thanks.

You can block the IP with nginx (or apache if you're using it) if you


and I'm sure you could google an article that covers how to do it with

OK, i use Lighttpd server and i found the relative data entry to do it.

Would it be interesting, at a first level, 

to directly manage the request in Seaside without having to restart the
web server?

I'm sure there is but I don't know exactly where and why you'd want Seaside
checking every request to see if its from an IP if the webserver can do it
faster.  I'd probably start looking in WAServerAdaptor to figure out how.  

GLASS mailing list wrote

For the "daemontools thinks its working but its really not" problem you
could add an additional daemontools monitored process that checks a url
is served by each fastcgi process e.g. every 30 seconds or so and then
the gem if it returns the wrong thing.

Are you saying that as I configured the system does not work?

When the system has been subjected to a greater load of requests,
everything is degraded!

Does anyone have a Gemstone Pier site with a certain load of requests?

I just think sometimes there are errors in the gems that aren't enough to
kill them, so daemontools doesn't know they're faulty, but the gem
would/could still benefit from a restart.  It should be able to handle the
extra load as what you've described isn't much

I'm not sure why performance was degraded.  Are you using SSDs ? Did you run
out of disk where you're storing stats or tranlogs?

GLASS mailing list wrote

GLASS mailing list wrote

i have a Gemstone environment with Seaside and Pier framework.

The Gemstone stone and the relative Fast-CGI service is managed by

Everything works for a few years.

It's been a few days since the home server is continuously submitted to
requests (one every 5 seconds) made by ip  ( a crawler ?! )

Now it happens that in some situations the service relative to Fast-CGI
go down but is not managed ( restart )from daemontools.

These are the daemontool service entry 
/etc/service/gs_seaside-9060: up (pid 25393) 142648 seconds
/etc/service/gs_seaside-9061: up (pid 7106) 15059 seconds
/etc/service/gs_seaside-9062: up (pid 20118) 194917 seconds

Every  Fast-CGI service create 3 entry.

I report the 9062 entry with:  lsof -n -i -P | grep 20118

topaz     20118 dario    6u  IPv6 236275      0t0  TCP
[::1]:40117->[::1]:42453 (ESTABLISHED)
topaz     20118 dario    8u  IPv6 236276      0t0  TCP
[::1]:40503->[::1]:43399 (ESTABLISHED)
topaz     20118 dario   12u  IPv4 236281      0t0  TCP *:9062 (LISTEN)

When the 20118  Fast-CGI IPv4 go down the :

topaz     20118 dario    6u  IPv6 236275      0t0  TCP
[::1]:40117->[::1]:42453 (ESTABLISHED)
topaz     20118 dario    8u  IPv6 236276      0t0  TCP
[::1]:40503->[::1]:43399 (ESTABLISHED)

remain active and therefore i believe that the daemontools does not
consider service ( 20118 ) to be dead.

So this consideration is true?

Yes I think you're right.  Daemontools just makes sure the gem process is
running, not whether the gem can handle tcp connections (or do anything else
for that matter).  

Hope this helps.

GLASS mailing list wrote

But the web request ( when all the Fast-CGI are down )is not managed by
any  TCP *:906[ 0 - 2 ]  (LISTEN) because all are down.

Any idea about it?

Another question:

i can intercept the requests made by   before creating
related WASessions and replying ...????....  - do not reply?



Glass mailing list



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[hidden email]

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[hidden email]

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Re: Gemstone 3106 with Pier and crawler

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts

What version of Seaside are you running?

i have a Gemstone environment with:

Seaside  3.0.13

Magritte3 3.0
Magritte3AddOns  3.0.0 Pier3 3.0.0 Pier3AddOns 3.0.3




On 30 Oct 2018, at 15:57, Trussardi Dario Romano via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:

the  FASTCGI  daemon_server-9060.log report:
topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> [<a href="tel:5621550081" class="">5621550081 sz:5 cls: 135169 GsFile] aGsFile
topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> daemon Server started on port 9060
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
    <a href="tel:2285681153" class="">2285681153
    <a href="tel:2285750273" class="">2285750273
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
-----------  Unreportable ERROR Encountered: 2018-10-30T11:32:50.57347202301025+01:00a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2364), The object aGsSocket that has some associated session state has lost that transient state. Examples of classes that use session state are GsSocket and GsFile.-----------
-----------  Unreportable ERROR Encountered: 2018-10-30T11:32:51.41707491874695+01:00a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2364), The object aGsSocket that has some associated session state has lost that transient state. Examples of classes that use session state are GsSocket and GsFile.-----------
-----------  Unreportable ERROR Encountered: 2018-10-30T11:32:52.14350891113281+01:00a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2364), The object aGsSocket that has some associated session state has lost that transient state. Examples of classes that use session state are GsSocket and GsFile.-----------
-----------  Unreportable ERROR Encountered: 2018-10-30T11:32:52.95211100578308+01:00a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2364), The object aGsSocket that has some associated session state has lost that transient state. Examples of classes that use session state are GsSocket and GsFile.-----------
-----------  Unreportable ERROR Encountered: 2018-10-30T11:32:54.54405093193054+01:00a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2364), The object aGsSocket that has some associated session state has lost that transient state. Examples of classes that use session state are GsSocket and GsFile.-----------

In the GLASS mailing list i found:

[1] http://forum.world.st/Glass-Fastcgi-Socket-issues-td4816974.html

At a certain point we read:

Maybe the heavy load makes it reproduce it because it's only when the SPC gets full enough to flush the GsSocket instance to disk...

And I think it's the problem I had when the crawler made many requests, and the system is degraded. 

Now as I write this email, the system has created 32 new WASessions in one minute and the system is degraded again,

and i need to restart ( kill ) the Fastcgi daemon entry.

The solution for my old environment  Gemstone is to comment  the last lines **** of code in :

saveLogEntry: anObjectLogEntry shouldCommit: shouldCommit
"Does an abort and commit, if not already in transaction"
| stdout |
stdout := GsFile stdoutServer.
stdout nextPutAll: '----------- ', anObjectLogEntry labelString, ' LOG ENTRY: ', anObjectLogEntry objectString.
stdout nextPutAll: '-----------', DateAndTime now asString.
stdout cr.
stdout close.
"obi TODO"

"  ****shouldCommit  
ifTrue: [ self doTransaction: [ anObjectLogEntry addToLog ]]
ifFalse: [ anObjectLogEntry addToLog ]."

as reported at the end of [ 1 ] ?

Thanks for every consideration,


GLASS mailing list wrote
Ciao, thanks.

You can block the IP with nginx (or apache if you're using it) if you


and I'm sure you could google an article that covers how to do it with

OK, i use Lighttpd server and i found the relative data entry to do it.

Would it be interesting, at a first level, 

to directly manage the request in Seaside without having to restart the
web server?

I'm sure there is but I don't know exactly where and why you'd want Seaside
checking every request to see if its from an IP if the webserver can do it
faster.  I'd probably start looking in WAServerAdaptor to figure out how.  

GLASS mailing list wrote

For the "daemontools thinks its working but its really not" problem you
could add an additional daemontools monitored process that checks a url
is served by each fastcgi process e.g. every 30 seconds or so and then
the gem if it returns the wrong thing.

Are you saying that as I configured the system does not work?

When the system has been subjected to a greater load of requests,
everything is degraded!

Does anyone have a Gemstone Pier site with a certain load of requests?

I just think sometimes there are errors in the gems that aren't enough to
kill them, so daemontools doesn't know they're faulty, but the gem
would/could still benefit from a restart.  It should be able to handle the
extra load as what you've described isn't much

I'm not sure why performance was degraded.  Are you using SSDs ? Did you run
out of disk where you're storing stats or tranlogs?

GLASS mailing list wrote

GLASS mailing list wrote

i have a Gemstone environment with Seaside and Pier framework.

The Gemstone stone and the relative Fast-CGI service is managed by

Everything works for a few years.

It's been a few days since the home server is continuously submitted to
requests (one every 5 seconds) made by ip  ( a crawler ?! )

Now it happens that in some situations the service relative to Fast-CGI
go down but is not managed ( restart )from daemontools.

These are the daemontool service entry 
/etc/service/gs_seaside-9060: up (pid 25393) 142648 seconds
/etc/service/gs_seaside-9061: up (pid 7106) 15059 seconds
/etc/service/gs_seaside-9062: up (pid 20118) 194917 seconds

Every  Fast-CGI service create 3 entry.

I report the 9062 entry with:  lsof -n -i -P | grep 20118

topaz     20118 dario    6u  IPv6 236275      0t0  TCP
[::1]:40117->[::1]:42453 (ESTABLISHED)
topaz     20118 dario    8u  IPv6 236276      0t0  TCP
[::1]:40503->[::1]:43399 (ESTABLISHED)
topaz     20118 dario   12u  IPv4 236281      0t0  TCP *:9062 (LISTEN)

When the 20118  Fast-CGI IPv4 go down the :

topaz     20118 dario    6u  IPv6 236275      0t0  TCP
[::1]:40117->[::1]:42453 (ESTABLISHED)
topaz     20118 dario    8u  IPv6 236276      0t0  TCP
[::1]:40503->[::1]:43399 (ESTABLISHED)

remain active and therefore i believe that the daemontools does not
consider service ( 20118 ) to be dead.

So this consideration is true?

Yes I think you're right.  Daemontools just makes sure the gem process is
running, not whether the gem can handle tcp connections (or do anything else
for that matter).  

Hope this helps.

GLASS mailing list wrote

But the web request ( when all the Fast-CGI are down )is not managed by
any  TCP *:906[ 0 - 2 ]  (LISTEN) because all are down.

Any idea about it?

Another question:

i can intercept the requests made by   before creating
related WASessions and replying ...????....  - do not reply?



Glass mailing list



Sent from: http://forum.world.st/GLASS-f1460844.html
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[hidden email]

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[hidden email]

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Re: Gemstone 3106 with Pier and crawler

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts

I think upgrading Seaside would help out with the bug you are seeing.
This because of the familiar signature of the bug that was fixed in 3.1.4 (which I referenced in my previous email).

If you do not want to upgrade, you might want to try patching with the diff referenced from within the bug issues.


On 31 Oct 2018, at 18:08, Trussardi Dario Romano via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:


What version of Seaside are you running?

i have a Gemstone environment with:

Seaside  3.0.13

Magritte3 3.0
Magritte3AddOns  3.0.0 Pier3 3.0.0 Pier3AddOns 3.0.3




On 30 Oct 2018, at 15:57, Trussardi Dario Romano via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:

the  FASTCGI  daemon_server-9060.log report:
topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> [<a href="tel:5621550081" class="">5621550081 sz:5 cls: 135169 GsFile] aGsFile
topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> topaz 1> daemon Server started on port 9060
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
    <a href="tel:2285681153" class="">2285681153
    <a href="tel:2285750273" class="">2285750273
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
Read-Write Conflicts...
Write-Write Conflicts...
Write-Dependency Conflicts...
Write-ReadLock Conflicts...
Write-WriteLock Conflicts...
Rc-Write-Write Conflicts...
Synchronized-Commit Conflicts...
----------- Commit failure - retrying LOG ENTRY: aSymbolDictionary-----------
-----------  Unreportable ERROR Encountered: 2018-10-30T11:32:50.57347202301025+01:00a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2364), The object aGsSocket that has some associated session state has lost that transient state. Examples of classes that use session state are GsSocket and GsFile.-----------
-----------  Unreportable ERROR Encountered: 2018-10-30T11:32:51.41707491874695+01:00a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2364), The object aGsSocket that has some associated session state has lost that transient state. Examples of classes that use session state are GsSocket and GsFile.-----------
-----------  Unreportable ERROR Encountered: 2018-10-30T11:32:52.14350891113281+01:00a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2364), The object aGsSocket that has some associated session state has lost that transient state. Examples of classes that use session state are GsSocket and GsFile.-----------
-----------  Unreportable ERROR Encountered: 2018-10-30T11:32:52.95211100578308+01:00a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2364), The object aGsSocket that has some associated session state has lost that transient state. Examples of classes that use session state are GsSocket and GsFile.-----------
-----------  Unreportable ERROR Encountered: 2018-10-30T11:32:54.54405093193054+01:00a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2364), The object aGsSocket that has some associated session state has lost that transient state. Examples of classes that use session state are GsSocket and GsFile.-----------

In the GLASS mailing list i found:

[1] http://forum.world.st/Glass-Fastcgi-Socket-issues-td4816974.html

At a certain point we read:

Maybe the heavy load makes it reproduce it because it's only when the SPC gets full enough to flush the GsSocket instance to disk...

And I think it's the problem I had when the crawler made many requests, and the system is degraded. 

Now as I write this email, the system has created 32 new WASessions in one minute and the system is degraded again,

and i need to restart ( kill ) the Fastcgi daemon entry.

The solution for my old environment  Gemstone is to comment  the last lines **** of code in :

saveLogEntry: anObjectLogEntry shouldCommit: shouldCommit
"Does an abort and commit, if not already in transaction"
| stdout |
stdout := GsFile stdoutServer.
stdout nextPutAll: '----------- ', anObjectLogEntry labelString, ' LOG ENTRY: ', anObjectLogEntry objectString.
stdout nextPutAll: '-----------', DateAndTime now asString.
stdout cr.
stdout close.
"obi TODO"

"  ****shouldCommit  
ifTrue: [ self doTransaction: [ anObjectLogEntry addToLog ]]
ifFalse: [ anObjectLogEntry addToLog ]."

as reported at the end of [ 1 ] ?

Thanks for every consideration,


GLASS mailing list wrote
Ciao, thanks.

You can block the IP with nginx (or apache if you're using it) if you


and I'm sure you could google an article that covers how to do it with

OK, i use Lighttpd server and i found the relative data entry to do it.

Would it be interesting, at a first level, 

to directly manage the request in Seaside without having to restart the
web server?

I'm sure there is but I don't know exactly where and why you'd want Seaside
checking every request to see if its from an IP if the webserver can do it
faster.  I'd probably start looking in WAServerAdaptor to figure out how.  

GLASS mailing list wrote

For the "daemontools thinks its working but its really not" problem you
could add an additional daemontools monitored process that checks a url
is served by each fastcgi process e.g. every 30 seconds or so and then
the gem if it returns the wrong thing.

Are you saying that as I configured the system does not work?

When the system has been subjected to a greater load of requests,
everything is degraded!

Does anyone have a Gemstone Pier site with a certain load of requests?

I just think sometimes there are errors in the gems that aren't enough to
kill them, so daemontools doesn't know they're faulty, but the gem
would/could still benefit from a restart.  It should be able to handle the
extra load as what you've described isn't much

I'm not sure why performance was degraded.  Are you using SSDs ? Did you run
out of disk where you're storing stats or tranlogs?

GLASS mailing list wrote

GLASS mailing list wrote

i have a Gemstone environment with Seaside and Pier framework.

The Gemstone stone and the relative Fast-CGI service is managed by

Everything works for a few years.

It's been a few days since the home server is continuously submitted to
requests (one every 5 seconds) made by ip  ( a crawler ?! )

Now it happens that in some situations the service relative to Fast-CGI
go down but is not managed ( restart )from daemontools.

These are the daemontool service entry 
/etc/service/gs_seaside-9060: up (pid 25393) 142648 seconds
/etc/service/gs_seaside-9061: up (pid 7106) 15059 seconds
/etc/service/gs_seaside-9062: up (pid 20118) 194917 seconds

Every  Fast-CGI service create 3 entry.

I report the 9062 entry with:  lsof -n -i -P | grep 20118

topaz     20118 dario    6u  IPv6 236275      0t0  TCP
[::1]:40117->[::1]:42453 (ESTABLISHED)
topaz     20118 dario    8u  IPv6 236276      0t0  TCP
[::1]:40503->[::1]:43399 (ESTABLISHED)
topaz     20118 dario   12u  IPv4 236281      0t0  TCP *:9062 (LISTEN)

When the 20118  Fast-CGI IPv4 go down the :

topaz     20118 dario    6u  IPv6 236275      0t0  TCP
[::1]:40117->[::1]:42453 (ESTABLISHED)
topaz     20118 dario    8u  IPv6 236276      0t0  TCP
[::1]:40503->[::1]:43399 (ESTABLISHED)

remain active and therefore i believe that the daemontools does not
consider service ( 20118 ) to be dead.

So this consideration is true?

Yes I think you're right.  Daemontools just makes sure the gem process is
running, not whether the gem can handle tcp connections (or do anything else
for that matter).  

Hope this helps.

GLASS mailing list wrote

But the web request ( when all the Fast-CGI are down )is not managed by
any  TCP *:906[ 0 - 2 ]  (LISTEN) because all are down.

Any idea about it?

Another question:

i can intercept the requests made by   before creating
related WASessions and replying ...????....  - do not reply?



Glass mailing list



Sent from: http://forum.world.st/GLASS-f1460844.html
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[hidden email]

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[hidden email]

Glass mailing list
[hidden email]

Glass mailing list
[hidden email]