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Gemstone configurations

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Gemstone configurations

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
the next week i do a real test of People Party application based on Seaside and Gemstone..

The People Party application is a branch of http://pharo.org/success/IPOS  solutions.

The goal is to handle the orders made by people at a popular party,

and all the management of production and delivery of their orders.

95% of the workload is concentrated within 2 hours.

There are some fixed and mobile stations for collecting orders and printing of their tickets.

And production centers ( kitchen - oven pizza .....  )  are equipped with terminals and printers for the production and delivery of orders.

Now I should understand how to configure gemstone to let the system support the load.

As a starting point I know that every 'basic' action required by a browser,   load a gem for at least 100ms.

Considering having ten workstations running at the same time to collecting the orders ........

plus other load to print the tickets, plus the other productions centers updates.... ( every 10 seconds .....  )

The server is based on intel Core i5 2,6 GHz  with 4GB of Ram  ( plus other 4GB  if need )

How many gems is required?  How much memory for any gem ?

How to configure the SPC ?

Thanks for considerations, 


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Re: Gemstone configurations

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts


I'm sorry, but I cannot guess what might be required ... you have to somehow simulate the expected load and see what it takes ... FWIW, if you find that you need to have more resources than available with the limited license[1], you can request an unlimited keyfile with a limited duration for experimentation purposes.

I setup a PC with :

Core i5 -  8Gb Ram - SSD 128Gb 

In the next week i will do some experiment to understand the performance of my application based on Seaside.

My goal is to support 20 - 30 current device on Local Network and relative wifi ( 802.11b or 802.11n)  


a) In the past i use the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS O/S It is a best choice?
In future i think to setup a small Dell server.

b) For the web server i have some experience with Lighttpd http server, 

but often i found reference to: NGINX HTTP server.

c) How many gems i need ?  One gem for any device ?

d) How many space a gem required ?  Is configurable?

e) How many FastCGI run - configured ?

f) How i can request  a limited key file to do experimentation test ?

g) I know two parameter for configure the GLASS:
The:   SHR_PAGE_CACHE_SIZE_KB =  2097152

There are other important parameters?

Where i can read about these?

Thank for any considerations,



[1] https://gemtalksystems.com/licensing/

On 7/27/17 12:16 PM, Trussardi Dario Romano wrote:
Ciao Dale,
only to remember this email in  <[hidden email]>

Considerations on the subject?


P.S.  For the application (based on GLASS), considerations about licensing aspects to the end user?

How can set up the speech?

the next week i do a real test of People Party application based on Seaside and Gemstone..

The People Party application is a branch of http://pharo.org/success/IPOS  solutions.

The goal is to handle the orders made by people at a popular party,

and all the management of production and delivery of their orders.

95% of the workload is concentrated within 2 hours.

There are some fixed and mobile stations for collecting orders and printing of their tickets.

And production centers ( kitchen - oven pizza .....  )  are equipped with terminals and printers for the production and delivery of orders.

Now I should understand how to configure gemstone to let the system support the load.

As a starting point I know that every 'basic' action required by a browser,   load a gem for at least 100ms.

Considering having ten workstations running at the same time to collecting the orders ........

plus other load to print the tickets, plus the other productions centers updates.... ( every 10 seconds .....  )

The server is based on intel Core i5 2,6 GHz  with 4GB of Ram  ( plus other 4GB  if need )

How many gems is required?  How much memory for any gem ?

How to configure the SPC ?

Thanks for considerations, 


Glass mailing list
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Re: Gemstone configurations

Paul DeBruicker
1579 posts
Hi Dario,  

I made some ansible scripts that will set up GemStone on Ubuntu 16.04 with nginx.  They are here:


And they worked the last time I tried them.  Let me know if you try them and they do not work.

I've answered some of your other questions below.   Good luck.

GLASS mailing list wrote
> Dario,
> I'm sorry, but I cannot guess what might be required ... you have to somehow simulate the expected load and see what it takes ... FWIW, if you find that you need to have more resources than available with the limited license[1], you can request an unlimited keyfile with a limited duration for experimentation purposes.
        I setup a PC with :

                Core i5 -  8Gb Ram - SSD 128Gb

                In the next week i will do some experiment to understand the performance of my application based on Seaside.

                My goal is to support 20 - 30 current device on Local Network and relative wifi ( 802.11b or 802.11n)  


                        a) In the past i use the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS O/S It is a best choice?
                                In future i think to setup a small Dell server.
Best?  Theres no way to know.  It will work well though. And since you already are familiar with  it you should use it.  

                        b) For the web server i have some experience with Lighttpd http server,

                                but often i found reference to: NGINX HTTP server.
Since you already are familiar with lighttpd you should use it.  The choice between nginx or lighttpd isn't going to make or break your project.  If you want to explore using nginx the ansible scripts I posted above will set it all up for you.  

                        c) How many gems i need ? One gem for any device ?
Theres no way to know without testing you apps workload.  Start with three FastCGI gems and add more if its too slow.  

                        d) How many space a gem required ?  Is configurable?
Theres no way to know without testing.  Start with the defaults and  increase the value of the GEM_TEMPOBJ_CACHE_SIZE variable (in the gem.conf file that GsDevKit_home leaves in the stone directory) when you start running out of memory.   It may be too high or too low depending on your workload.  

                        e) How many FastCGI run - configured ?
Start with three  

                        f) How i can request  a limited key file to do experimentation test ?
You have to email their sales department if you need a license beyond the basic free one.  See https://gemtalksystems.com/licensing/   There is a more elaborate free one on that page.

                        g) I know two parameter for configure the GLASS:
                                The:   SHR_PAGE_CACHE_SIZE_KB =  2097152
                                                GEM_TEMPOBJ_CACHE_SIZE = 50000

                                There are other important parameters?

                                Where i can read about these?
https://gemtalksystems.com/products/gs64/versions33x/ has a System Administrator guide.  It has information about the system parameters you can set.  I only ever edit the two you mention though.  

                Thank for any considerations,



> Dale
> [1] https://gemtalksystems.com/licensing/
> On 7/27/17 12:16 PM, Trussardi Dario Romano wrote:
>> Ciao Dale,
>> only to remember this email in  <[hidden email]>
>> Considerations on the subject?
>> Thanks.
>> Dario
>> P.S.  For the application (based on GLASS), considerations about licensing aspects to the end user?
>> How i can set up the speech?
>>> Ciao,
>>> the next week i do a real test of People Party application based on Seaside and Gemstone..
>>> The People Party application is a branch of http://pharo.org/success/IPOS  solutions.
>>> The goal is to handle the orders made by people at a popular party,
>>> and all the management of production and delivery of their orders.
>>> 95% of the workload is concentrated within 2 hours.
>>> There are some fixed and mobile stations for collecting orders and printing of their tickets.
>>> And production centers ( kitchen - oven pizza .....  )  are equipped with terminals and printers for the production and delivery of orders.
>>> Now I should understand how to configure gemstone to let the system support the load.
>>> As a starting point I know that every 'basic' action required by a browser, load a gem for at least 100ms.
>>> Considering having ten workstations running at the same time to collecting the orders ........
>>> plus other load to print the tickets, plus the other productions centers updates.... ( every 10 seconds .....  )
>>> The server is based on intel Core i5 2,6 GHz with 4GB of Ram  ( plus other 4GB  if need )
>>> How many gems is required?  How much memory for any gem ?
>>> How to configure the SPC ?
>>> Thanks for considerations,
>>> Dario
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