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[Glass] System unstable after crash

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[Glass] System unstable after crash

126 posts

Yesterday we have a system crash situation when tranlog disk reach 100%. That normally happend when the mantainance crontab task have some problem or when the system day activity is more heavy than expected.

Anyway, after that situation we execute the mantainance script, delete old tranlogs files and then restart gemstone and all is good again. 

This time, when we do that we recive some errors (see attachments) and we fail to make it work, we try also start gemstone in restore mode (startstone -R) and make a commitRestore (after we delete all tranlogs files) to close all transactions and syncronize again the extent with the tranlogs. Again, the operation succeded but when we try to use the system, we recive the same errors. Also, if you refresh the page, the system is good again, it seems like a session problem but we not undestand where to look, some ideas?


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Re: [Glass] System unstable after crash

Dale Henrichs-3
2163 posts

You should probably run an object audit to find and repair any repository level corruption...

It is more likely that you've simply got some application-level corruption and I would think that you'd have to examine the issues and repair by doing smalltalk-level surgery on the "damaged" structures.

I'm interested in seeing the stone log to see what error caused the system crash ...


On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 9:07 AM, Leonardo Andres De Marco <[hidden email]> wrote:
The strange thing is that we try to recover the backup of the day before (because users not change any informaton, only use for reporting that day), but continue the same error, so, our priority is not the cause of the crash (that I assume is because we reach at 100% of the tranlog disk), but to restore the system to the user...

You think the log can help in that?


2014-07-18 11:55 GMT-03:00 Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]>:


Most likely the application errors that you are seeing are caused by the missing tranlog records ... the ones that did not get written to disk before the crash ...

Could you send a copy of the stone log so that we can see the exact error message that caused the stone to crash?


On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 7:08 AM, Leonardo Andres De Marco <[hidden email]> wrote:

Yesterday we have a system crash situation when tranlog disk reach 100%. That normally happend when the mantainance crontab task have some problem or when the system day activity is more heavy than expected.

Anyway, after that situation we execute the mantainance script, delete old tranlogs files and then restart gemstone and all is good again. 

This time, when we do that we recive some errors (see attachments) and we fail to make it work, we try also start gemstone in restore mode (startstone -R) and make a commitRestore (after we delete all tranlogs files) to close all transactions and syncronize again the extent with the tranlogs. Again, the operation succeded but when we try to use the system, we recive the same errors. Also, if you refresh the page, the system is good again, it seems like a session problem but we not undestand where to look, some ideas?


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