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[Glass] tODE , filetree, cypress

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[Glass] tODE , filetree, cypress

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts

I have ported MessagePack to Gemstone (Richard, thank you for your advice!).

Now I am in the state of testing the communication against other

In order to have a Gemstone loadable code base here are little changes
to messagepack-core needed and those have already been released by
Masashi Umezawa the author on Github [1].
For the port I used Jade and loaded sources from Smalltakhub which are
not filetree based. Not knowing that Github is the leading repository.

Now, I have a hard time to figure out how to import and export Cypress
based code into Gemstone via tODE.
I found out that I need to add a project entry that will look like this:

^ TDProjectSpecEntryDefinition new
     baseline: 'FileTree'
       repository: 'github://dalehenrich/filetree:gemstone2.4/repository'
       loads: #('default');
     status: #();
     locked: false;

But how do I handle an existing Configuration that does not include my
project/Gemstone platform yet?
As far as I can see the code on Github does not include a Baseline
class,.... so I assume that this won't work,.... somehow....

Is Cypress equal to Filetree? Do I need to load additional repositories
in oder to be able to handle Cypress code descriptions?

Thank you for any  advice!

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Re: [Glass] tODE , filetree, cypress

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts

On 05/19/2015 09:06 AM, Sebastian Heidbrink via Glass wrote:

> Hi!
> I have ported MessagePack to Gemstone (Richard, thank you for your
> advice!).
> Now I am in the state of testing the communication against other
> clients/dialects.
> In order to have a Gemstone loadable code base here are little changes
> to messagepack-core needed and those have already been released by
> Masashi Umezawa the author on Github [1].
> For the port I used Jade and loaded sources from Smalltakhub which are
> not filetree based. Not knowing that Github is the leading repository.
> Now, I have a hard time to figure out how to import and export Cypress
> based code into Gemstone via tODE.
> I found out that I need to add a project entry that will look like this:
> ^ TDProjectSpecEntryDefinition new
>     baseline: 'FileTree'
>       repository: 'github://dalehenrich/filetree:gemstone2.4/repository'
>       loads: #('default');
>     status: #();
>     locked: false;
>     yourself
Yes ... and the question for the project spec is whether or not you want
to reference a local git clone or the github project ... I recommend
that any project that you are using should be cloned locally so that you
can insulate yourself from network outages as well as make it very easy
to make changes, fix bugs and share those changes with the community if
you have a local clone ...

You _can_ create a configuration-based project spec if you want ...
> But how do I handle an existing Configuration that does not include my
> project/Gemstone platform yet?
I'm not quite sure that I know what you are asking here. What does your
existing configuration look like?
> As far as I can see the code on Github does not include a Baseline
> class,.... so I assume that this won't work,.... somehow....
There are ways to reference a github project without using a baseline,
but you have multiple options. It looks like the msgpack project has a
configuration, so there are a couple of  options:

1. clone the msgpack project to GsDevKit where the GemStone-specific
mods can be made on a gs_master branch, which would include adding a
baseline for GemStone only
2. clone the msgpack project to GsDevKit and add a platform-specific
packages to isolate the GemStone-specific mods from the squeak/pharo
mods and update the configuration ... optionally add a baseline as well
... with this option we could submit a pull request to Mushashi's repo
with your changes.
> Is Cypress equal to Filetree? Do I need to load additional
> repositories in oder to be able to handle Cypress code descriptions?
After looking at Mushashi's repo, I see that he is using the FileTree
implementation .... Cypress is an umbrella term for the family of
disk-based formats for storing Smalltalk source. fileTree is a specific
implementation of the Cypress format for Pharo, Squeak and GemStone.
There are other implementations floating around with different names ...

When we pick the final msgpack option we define (an publish) a project
spec for msgpack.

> Thank you for any  advice!
> Sebastian
> [1]https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-smalltalk/tree/develop
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