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Jenkins question

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Jenkins question

werner kassens-2
i had the situation where jenkins fetched a package 'Math-Tests-RealInterval-Compatibility' but then did not load it (output from scismalltalk 4.0 development build 1151):
Fetched -> Math-Tests-RealInterval-Compatibility-WernerKassens.22 --- http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/SergeStinckwich/SciSmalltalk/main/ --- http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/SergeStinckwich/SciSmalltalk/main/
...FAILED->Math-Tests-RealInterval-Compatibility==== Startup Error: Could not resolve: Math-Tests-RealInterval-Compatibility [Math-Tests-RealInterval-Compatibility] in /builds/workspace/SciSmalltalk/PHARO/40/VERSION/development/VM/vm/package-cache cache...

this used 'ConfigurationOfSciSmalltalk-WernerKassens.171'. when i load this in a new 40 image and run 'ConfigurationOfSciSmalltalk loadDevelopment' it seems to work though. i wonder whether that package-cache is to small (improbable since i tried to put that package at different locations in the config), or the package-name is too long (i think its the longest in the config), or did i make <g> another stupid error?

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