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Loading Seaside into Pharo 1.2 core

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Loading Seaside into Pharo 1.2 core

Torsten Bergmann
2398 posts
Dale wrote:
>I am presently working on Seaside 3.0.4 which will correctly load into

According to his mail Mike wants to load it into a Pharo1.2-Core
(maybe for minimal deployment) - not into a Pharo1.2-Developer image.

So the expression

  (ConfigurationOfSeaside30 project version: '3.0.3') load.

will only work in a Pharo 1.2 (dev image) since it requires
various tools (like OB) that are only in the dev image
and there seem to be no explicit dependencies defined.
Otherwise it should load into Core too, should'nt it?

Still this is more or less for a typical "seaside development scenario".

However - for a "deployment scenario on a core image" one has
to find out the groups required. That depends on what
the seaside application uses.

Think of the following: one wants to use a minimal Pharo
core 1.2 image and just run a simple Seaside webapp on it.

For such a minimal app you need to:

   "Load the config"
   Gofer new
     squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
     package: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside30';

   "Load the base seaside packages and Comanche as server"
   ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSeaside30) project version: '3.0.3')
        load: #('Base' 'Seaside-Adaptors-Comanche').

You can then start the web server:

   WAKom startOn: 80

but you will not be able to see more than

as Dale already mentioned.
Now implement a simple Seaside component:

   WAComponent subclass: #MyAppFrontPage
          instanceVariableNames: ''
               classVariableNames: ''
               poolDictionaries: ''
               category: 'MyApp-Web-UI'

with the following rendering method on the instance side:

   renderContentOn: html
  html text: 'HelloWorld'

And register it:

   WAAdmin register: MyAppFrontPage asApplicationAt: 'myapp'.

You can browse it at:


If you want to make it the default entry point:

   WADispatcher default defaultName: 'myapp'  

This allows you to access it directly on:


All this is summarized and done in the attached changeset.
Just drop it into a fresh core 1.2 image or file it in using
the file browser, then see some loading magic and after its
finished point your browser to


Have fun
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MinimalSeasideAppForPharoCore12.cs (1K) Download Attachment
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Re: Loading Seaside into Pharo 1.2 core

Dale Henrichs
3217 posts
On 02/15/2011 01:55 AM, Torsten Bergmann wrote:
> Dale wrote:
>> I am presently working on Seaside 3.0.4 which will correctly load into
>> Pharo1.2,
> According to his mail Mike wants to load it into a Pharo1.2-Core
> (maybe for minimal deployment) - not into a Pharo1.2-Developer image.

I want to clarify that the 3.0.4 configuration _is_ intended to
correctly load into PharoCore1.2.


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Re: Loading Seaside into Pharo 1.2 core

Michael Roberts-2
373 posts
ok cool. Yes, Torsten is right that i want to load this into Core. Not
just for deployment though, but i like working with smaller images.
It is also a way of exercising the core image and trying to improve
that code base, testing it etc.

What i was really after which Dale answered was more details on the
API which i was struggling with staring at the latest specs (wow!) and
trying to figure it out.  One 3.0.4 is published i will give that a go


On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 5:22 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 02/15/2011 01:55 AM, Torsten Bergmann wrote:
>> Dale wrote:
>>> I am presently working on Seaside 3.0.4 which will correctly load into
>>> Pharo1.2,
>> According to his mail Mike wants to load it into a Pharo1.2-Core
>> (maybe for minimal deployment) - not into a Pharo1.2-Developer image.
> I want to clarify that the 3.0.4 configuration _is_ intended to correctly
> load into PharoCore1.2.
> Dale

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Re: Loading Seaside into Pharo 1.2 core

Torsten Bergmann
2398 posts
In reply to this post by Dale Henrichs
> I want to clarify that the 3.0.4 configuration _is_ intended to
> correctly load into PharoCore1.2.

Nice, thanks!

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