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Magma 1.4 test failure

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Magma 1.4 test failure

Stuart Herring-2
52 posts
Hi Chris,

I'm trying to run the tests for 1.4 in Squeak and I'm getting a failure in tryChangingIndex50
I'm using Squeak 4.4 with a recent Cog VM on Linux, and I loaded Magma 1.4 from Squeak Map.

The actual failure is Assertion Failed in the final assertion of tryChangingIndex50:

  self should: 
[ err result commitConflicts first conflictingObjects anySatisfy: [ : each | each key = ma yourself ] ].

I'm assuming the tests pass for you?  What VM and OS combination have you tried?


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Re: Magma 1.4 test failure

Chris Muller-3
4086 posts
> I'm assuming the tests pass for you?  What VM and OS combination have you
> tried?

Yes, they're passing for me.  I've pasted my context from Help | About below.

Hmm, very strange.  What OS you running?

latest update: #12327
Current Change Set: Unnamed1
Image format 6505 (32 bit)

Monticello Working Copies
311Deprecated (nice.2)
39Deprecated (ar.19)
Balloon (egp.19)
BalloonTests (egp.2)
BrpExtensions (cmm.11)
* Collections (bf.496)
Collections-BTree (lr.73)
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* Compiler (eem.243, cmm.179)
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Universes (nice.45)
VersionNumber (cmm.4)
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Virtual Machine
Croquet Closure Cog VM [CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.240]
Unix built on Dec 20 2012 13:53:54 Compiler: 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-48)
platform sources revision VM: r2640
http://www.squeakvm.org/svn/squeak/branches/Cog Plugins: r2545
CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.240 uuid:
f72e2cd1-8b0e-45af-acd7-06ba9bbc2a50 Dec 20 2012
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-eem.240 uuid:
f72e2cd1-8b0e-45af-acd7-06ba9bbc2a50 Dec 20 2012
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Re: Magma 1.4 test failure

Stuart Herring-2
52 posts
It seems to be due to the VM - I was using the latest Pharo VM (from http://pharo.gforge.inria.fr/ci/vm/cog/linux/) .
When I use the same VM as you, it works fine.

I hadn't realised that even the VMs had diverged (other than the NativeBoost stuff, but this was the regular Cog VM, not the NB one).

here's the details:

Virtual Machine
Croquet Closure Cog VM [CoInterpreter VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.166]
Unix built on Dec 12 2012 16:08:11 Compiler: 4.6.3
platform sources revision git://gitorious.org/cogvm/blessed.git Commit: 452863bdfba2ba0b188e7b172e9bc597a2caa928 Date: 2012-12-07 16:49:46 +0100 By: Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> Jenkins build #5922
CoInterpreter VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.166 uuid: 5773fcb9-2982-4507-8a9e-4308ec33731e Dec 12 2012
StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.166 uuid: 5773fcb9-2982-4507-8a9e-4308ec33731e Dec 12 2012

I wonder if it's just a case of a patch in the Squeak VM that hasn't made it to the Pharo one yet?

On 7 January 2013 06:13, Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I'm assuming the tests pass for you?  What VM and OS combination have you
> tried?

Yes, they're passing for me.  I've pasted my context from Help | About below.

Hmm, very strange.  What OS you running?

Magma mailing list
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Re: Magma 1.4 test failure

Chris Muller-3
4086 posts
Wow, that's strange!  I can't think of anything in Magma that should
be affected by the VM like that.

Maybe the Pharo VM is exposing a Magma problem that the standard Cog
VM doesn't?  I'd like to debug it to make sure.  Where can I find the
failing VM you're using?

On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 6:34 PM, Stuart Herring
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> It seems to be due to the VM - I was using the latest Pharo VM (from
> http://pharo.gforge.inria.fr/ci/vm/cog/linux/) .
> When I use the same VM as you, it works fine.
> I hadn't realised that even the VMs had diverged (other than the NativeBoost
> stuff, but this was the regular Cog VM, not the NB one).
> here's the details:
> Virtual Machine
> ---------------
> /home/stuart/smalltalk/cog-linux-latest/CogVM
> Croquet Closure Cog VM [CoInterpreter VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.166]
> Unix built on Dec 12 2012 16:08:11 Compiler: 4.6.3
> platform sources revision git://gitorious.org/cogvm/blessed.git Commit:
> 452863bdfba2ba0b188e7b172e9bc597a2caa928 Date: 2012-12-07 16:49:46 +0100 By:
> Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> Jenkins build #5922
> CoInterpreter VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.166 uuid:
> 5773fcb9-2982-4507-8a9e-4308ec33731e Dec 12 2012
> StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.166 uuid:
> 5773fcb9-2982-4507-8a9e-4308ec33731e Dec 12 2012
> I wonder if it's just a case of a patch in the Squeak VM that hasn't made it
> to the Pharo one yet?
> On 7 January 2013 06:13, Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> > I'm assuming the tests pass for you?  What VM and OS combination have
>> > you
>> > tried?
>> Yes, they're passing for me.  I've pasted my context from Help | About
>> below.
>> Hmm, very strange.  What OS you running?
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Re: Magma 1.4 test failure

Stuart Herring-2
52 posts
Here's the VM I was using:

On 8 January 2013 02:27, Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Wow, that's strange!  I can't think of anything in Magma that should
> be affected by the VM like that.
> Maybe the Pharo VM is exposing a Magma problem that the standard Cog
> VM doesn't?  I'd like to debug it to make sure.  Where can I find the
> failing VM you're using?
Magma mailing list
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Re: Magma 1.4 test failure

Chris Muller-4
709 posts
Ok when I test with this VM it crashes just like Eliots older Cog VMs
(the ones prior to 2640) in exactly the same spot -- in the
#testSequenceNumberGenerator test.

The best way to work on Magma on Pharo is simply to run with the
latest Cog VM's or with the "classic" (non-Cog) VM.

 - Chris

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 4:00 PM, Stuart Herring
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Here's the VM I was using:
> http://pharo.gforge.inria.fr/ci/vm/cog/linux/cog-linux-latest.zip
> On 8 January 2013 02:27, Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Wow, that's strange!  I can't think of anything in Magma that should
>> be affected by the VM like that.
>> Maybe the Pharo VM is exposing a Magma problem that the standard Cog
>> VM doesn't?  I'd like to debug it to make sure.  Where can I find the
>> failing VM you're using?
Magma mailing list
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Re: Magma 1.4 test failure

Stuart Herring-2
52 posts
I figured that might be the case.
I'll stick with Elliot's latest builds for now, but I'll have to
revisit it once I start working on Pharo 2.0 compatibility, as the 2.0
images complain about the VM being too old (kind of funny considering
the Pharo VMs appaear to be based on older Cog code in the first

At the moment I'm still working on getting through the tests on 1.3.
Haven't had a whole lot of time this week, but I should be able to
make some real progress next week.

On 10 January 2013 04:52, Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Ok when I test with this VM it crashes just like Eliots older Cog VMs
> (the ones prior to 2640) in exactly the same spot -- in the
> #testSequenceNumberGenerator test.
> The best way to work on Magma on Pharo is simply to run with the
> latest Cog VM's or with the "classic" (non-Cog) VM.
>  - Chris
> On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 4:00 PM, Stuart Herring
> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Here's the VM I was using:
>> http://pharo.gforge.inria.fr/ci/vm/cog/linux/cog-linux-latest.zip
>> On 8 January 2013 02:27, Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Wow, that's strange!  I can't think of anything in Magma that should
>>> be affected by the VM like that.
>>> Maybe the Pharo VM is exposing a Magma problem that the standard Cog
>>> VM doesn't?  I'd like to debug it to make sure.  Where can I find the
>>> failing VM you're using?
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