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Restart the gs64ldi service

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Restart the gs64ldi service

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts

        i need to restart the gs64ldi service for environment

        I setup the shell with :

                export GS_HOME=/opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome
                export PATH=$GS_HOME/bin:$PATH

        but when i do the command

        /opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gestionale/product/bin$ ./startnetldi -p 50377:50377 -g -a $USER -n -l $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/gs64ldi.log

        the system answer:

                startnetldi[Info]: GemStone version ''
                startnetldi[Info]: Starting GemStone network server 'gs64ldi'.
                startnetldi[Error]: The environment variable 'GEMSTONE' is not defined.

        What else i need to define ?

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Re: Restart the gs64ldi service

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts

ok i read some hold emails.

On my macBook ssh shell in the LAN i do:

a) /opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gestionale$   . defStone.env

b)   /opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gestionale/product/bin$ 

./startnetldi -p 50377:50377 -g -a $USER -n -l $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/gs64ldi.log

startnetldi[Info]: GemStone version ''
startnetldi[Info]: Starting GemStone network server 'gs64ldi'.
startnetldi[Info]: GEMSTONE is: '/opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gestionale/product'.
startnetldi[Info]: GEMSTONE_NRS_ALL is: '#dir:$GEMSTONE_LOGDIR#log:%N%P.log'.
startnetldi[Info]: Log file is '/opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gestionale/logs/gs64ldi.log'.
startnetldi[Info]: GemStone server 'gs64ldi' has been started, process 6426 .

The relative gs64lldi.log report:

| GemStone/S64 Object-Oriented Data Management System |
| Copyright (C) GemTalk Systems 1986-2014 |
| All rights reserved. |
| PROGRAM: NETLDI, GemStone Network Daemon |
| VERSION:, Thu Apr 17 16:12:14 2014 |
| BUILD: gss64_3_1_0_5_x_branch-33242 |
| BUILT FOR: x86-64 (Linux) |
| MODE: 64 bit |
| RUNNING ON: 4-CPU scandella x86_64 (Linux 3.13.0-24-generic #47-Ubuntu SMP |
| Fri May 2 23:30:00 UTC 2014) 7789MB |
| PROCESS ID: 6426 DATE: 10/03/2016 17:11:26 CET |
| USER IDS: REAL=scandella (1000) EFFECTIVE=scandella (1000) |
| DATEFORMAT: %d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S %Z |
synthesizing :: , listening on wildcard
created listening socket for ::, on :: port 50377
Internal tables are configured for 1359 concurrent clients.
Server socket gs64ldi (protocol TCP) is created, with a delay of 30 seconds.
Summary of netldi parameters:
The host name is 'scandella'.
GEMSTONE is: '/opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gestionale/product'.
Clients are not authenticated.
Process creation MUST be through services.dat.
Pool of ports is 50377:50377 .
Created processes belong to the account named 'scandella'.
The default directory for log files is '#dir:$GEMSTONE_LOGDIR#log:%N%P.log'.
The command line is:
/opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/products/GemStone64Bit3.1.0.6-x86_64.Linux/sys/netldid \
-g -n -ascandella -p50377:50377 -l /opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gestionale/logs/gs64ldi.log \
Entering Service Loop

Now when i tODE i do the tODE Test Login  for gestionale the system answer:

Error running testLogin:

 'Error: Unable to create a GemStone session.

Netldi ''gs64ldi'' on host ''scandella'' reports the request ''gemnetobject'' failed:

Your netldi request timed out after 30 seconds.

If a gem or page server log file was created for this request it will contain information on why this request failed.

Otherwise check the netldi log ''/opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gestionale/logs/gs64ldi.log'' for information. For further information about login failures, check the gem log file'

In the gs64ldi.log  there are no other information after  the:  Entering Service Loop




i need to restart the gs64ldi service for environment

I setup the shell with :

export GS_HOME=/opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome
export PATH=$GS_HOME/bin:$PATH

but when i do the command

/opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gestionale/product/bin$ ./startnetldi -p 50377:50377 -g -a $USER -n -l $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/gs64ldi.log

the system answer:

startnetldi[Info]: GemStone version ''
startnetldi[Info]: Starting GemStone network server 'gs64ldi'.
startnetldi[Error]: The environment variable 'GEMSTONE' is not defined.

What else i need to define ?


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Re: Restart the gs64ldi service

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts

On 03/10/2016 09:02 AM, Trussardi Dario Romano via Glass wrote:

ok i read some hold emails.

On my macBook ssh shell in the LAN i do:

a) /opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gestionale$   . defStone.env

b)   /opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gestionale/product/bin$ 

./startnetldi -p 50377:50377 -g -a $USER -n -l $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/gs64ldi.log

startnetldi[Info]: GemStone version ''
startnetldi[Info]: Starting GemStone network server 'gs64ldi'.
startnetldi[Info]: GEMSTONE is: '/opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gestionale/product'.
startnetldi[Info]: GEMSTONE_NRS_ALL is: '#dir:$GEMSTONE_LOGDIR#log:%N%P.log'.
startnetldi[Info]: Log file is '/opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gestionale/logs/gs64ldi.log'.
startnetldi[Info]: GemStone server 'gs64ldi' has been started, process 6426 .

This is not the correct way to start your netldi ... the default netldi port is 50377 and by defining a port range that also includes 50377 could very easily lead to trouble... Note that in the port forwarding documentation[1], you should be using a different set of ports for the port range than the primary port number:

ssh -l dhenrich -L 55320:localhost:55320  -L 55325:localhost:55325 # ssh login setting up local port forwarding
cd $GS_HOME/gemstone/stones/devKit                                                 # cd to your stone directory
. defStone.env                                                                     # define the GsDevKit environment variables
$GEMSTONE/bin/startnetldi -a dhenrich -g -p 55325:55325 -P 55320 devKit_ldi        # start the netldi

If you want the primary port to be the default (50377) then you don't need to use the -P option.

It is odd that the netldi would keep on freezing but given the way you were starting the netldi, that would explain the netldi getting locked up ..


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home/blob/master/docs/portForwardingForRemoteLogins.md#ssh-port-forwarding-server-side

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Re: Restart the gs64ldi service

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
Ciao Dale,  Mariano,

thanks for your help,

now all works fine.


1) i can have two netldi service open for the same environment.

The system when startup open the standard  50377  service.

After, the first time  i need to login with ssh forwarding,  

i create the :    startnetldi - a scandella -g -p 55325:55325 -P 55320 gs64ldi

Can this service run always ?  Or i need to stopnetldi this service   when i end the ssh sessions?

Can this services  ( 50377 and 55320 ) exist together ? 

2) For the remote use on internet  i remember about compression: alias ssh-x='ssh -c arcfour,blowfish-cbc -XC'

but this is only for X11 forwarding  (  it's not for SSH forwarding ) ?

3) when i open a tODE session tode 1 > 

 what should I do for commit - abort  ?

I can leave open the tODE session without worry?



On 03/10/2016 09:02 AM, Trussardi Dario Romano via Glass wrote:

ok i read some hold emails.

On my macBook ssh shell in the LAN i do:

a) /opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gestionale$   . defStone.env

b)   /opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gestionale/product/bin$ 

./startnetldi -p 50377:50377 -g -a $USER -n -l $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/gs64ldi.log

startnetldi[Info]: GemStone version ''
startnetldi[Info]: Starting GemStone network server 'gs64ldi'.
startnetldi[Info]: GEMSTONE is: '/opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gestionale/product'.
startnetldi[Info]: GEMSTONE_NRS_ALL is: '#dir:$GEMSTONE_LOGDIR#log:%N%P.log'.
startnetldi[Info]: Log file is '/opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gestionale/logs/gs64ldi.log'.
startnetldi[Info]: GemStone server 'gs64ldi' has been started, process 6426 .

This is not the correct way to start your netldi ... the default netldi port is 50377 and by defining a port range that also includes 50377 could very easily lead to trouble... Note that in the port forwarding documentation[1], you should be using a different set of ports for the port range than the primary port number:

ssh -l dhenrich -L 55320:localhost:55320  -L 55325:localhost:55325 # ssh login setting up local port forwarding
cd $GS_HOME/gemstone/stones/devKit                                                 # cd to your stone directory
. defStone.env                                                                     # define the GsDevKit environment variables
$GEMSTONE/bin/startnetldi -a dhenrich -g -p 55325:55325 -P 55320 devKit_ldi        # start the netldi

If you want the primary port to be the default (50377) then you don't need to use the -P option.

It is odd that the netldi would keep on freezing but given the way you were starting the netldi, that would explain the netldi getting locked up ..


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home/blob/master/docs/portForwardingForRemoteLogins.md#ssh-port-forwarding-server-side
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Re: Restart the gs64ldi service

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts

On 03/11/2016 07:59 AM, Trussardi Dario Romano via Glass wrote:
Ciao Dale,  Mariano,

thanks for your help,

now all works fine.


1) i can have two netldi service open for the same environment.

The system when startup open the standard  50377  service.

After, the first time  i need to login with ssh forwarding,  

i create the :    startnetldi - a scandella -g -p 55325:55325 -P 55320 gs64ldi

Can this service run always ?  Or i need to stopnetldi this service   when i end the ssh sessions?

Can this services  ( 50377 and 55320 ) exist together ?

2) For the remote use on internet  i remember about compression: alias ssh-x='ssh -c arcfour,blowfish-cbc -XC'

but this is only for X11 forwarding  (  it's not for SSH forwarding ) ?
That particular form is for X11 forwarding, but I think that the compression is used for all ssh packets, so it might help with gci session round trips as well and could be added to the netldi port forwarding ssh call

3) when i open a tODE session tode 1 > 

 what should I do for commit - abort  ?

I can leave open the tODE session without worry?
I haven't made tODE safe for avoiding commit record backlogs, but some recent work I've been doing for Tugrik makes me think that it would be possible. I've submitted Issue #244[1] for tODE ...


[1] https://github.com/dalehenrich/tode/issues/244

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