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The Inbox: KernelTests-jar.407.mcz

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The Inbox: KernelTests-jar.407.mcz

22167 posts
A new version of KernelTests was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: KernelTests-jar.407
Author: jar
Time: 31 May 2021, 11:19:58.858017 pm
UUID: 8bb4554a-971d-ea49-9396-6a0c1625fb5b
Ancestors: KernelTests-nice.404

Add a test #testTerminateInEnsure presented by Martin McClure at 2019 Smalltalk conference. Test unwind when a process gets terminated inside the #ensure unwind block. Complement latest #terminate in the Inbox.

Supersede KernelTests-jar.405 - fix underscores from Cuis

=============== Diff against KernelTests-nice.404 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ProcessTest>>testTerminateInEnsure (in category 'tests') -----
+ testTerminateInEnsure
+ "As shown in
+ Martin McClure's 'Threads, Critical Sections, and Termination' (Smalltalks 2019 conference)
+ https://youtu.be/AvM5YrjK9AE
+ at 23:17
+ self new testTerminateInEnsure
+ "
+ | process count random delay |
+ random := Random new.
+ 10 timesRepeat: [
+ process := [
+ count := 0.
+ [] ensure: [
+ 10 timesRepeat: [
+ count := count + 1.
+ 1000000 timesRepeat: [12 factorial]].
+ count := count + 1]
+ ] forkAt: Processor activeProcess priority - 1.
+ delay := (random next * 100) asInteger + 10. "avoid 0-ms delay"
+ (Delay forMilliseconds: delay) wait.
+ self assert: process isTerminated not.
+ process terminate.
+ process priority: Processor activeProcess priority + 1.
+ self
+ assert: process isTerminated;
+ assert: count equals: 11 ]!