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5677 posts

I am a bit worried.
The jenkins for Moose 6.0 has not been green for ages.
I am using a fresh 6.0, and I get error when tracing in the debugger:
DebuggerMethodMapOpal >> tempNamesForContext: aContext
        "Answer an Array of all the temp names in scope in aContext starting with
         the home's first local (the first argument or first temporary if no arguments)."
        ^ aContext sourceNode scope allTempNames.

#scope is sent to nil. A good starting point would be to have the jenkins green back. Having it yellow for too long is not constructive.

Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

Moose-dev mailing list
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Re: Worried...

Tudor Girba-2
7411 posts
Yes, this part needs a bit of love :).

I fixed the PetitParser problems, and I also started to fix the issues in Roassal induced by the state of the not working examples. For example, the RTEdgeBuilder was refactored to no longer offer objects:from:to:, but the examples are not updated. As we have a test that runs all examples, we catch those problems.

There are still problematic examples left. Take a look here:

I also noticed that ReCritic does not have an example, even though it has a GT extension. This makes this test fail:
@Uko: could you look at it?

Then we have a spotter generic test failing due to something in Brick:

As for the release tests, they show a problem in Pharo. We need to deal with this one as soon as possible.


On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 11:21 PM, Alexandre Bergel <[hidden email]> wrote:

I am a bit worried.
The jenkins for Moose 6.0 has not been green for ages.
I am using a fresh 6.0, and I get error when tracing in the debugger:
DebuggerMethodMapOpal >> tempNamesForContext: aContext
        "Answer an Array of all the temp names in scope in aContext starting with
         the home's first local (the first argument or first temporary if no arguments)."

        ^ aContext sourceNode scope allTempNames.

#scope is sent to nil. A good starting point would be to have the jenkins green back. Having it yellow for too long is not constructive.

Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

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